Wednesday, May 24, 2006

WHO: Captain Pupuhed
WHERE: Ambassadors's Suite, Suid Sidal...

Pupuhed is sitting at the suite’s workstation. Ironically, the same workstation that Gorak used to plot his takeover.

Pupuhed: "Podquids you say?? Why that lousy Brap-Du-Poop. After all the times I over fed him and his slimy crew and allowed them to breed rampantly. Dammit, now we definately need some reinforcements." (He starts to type furiously at the keyboard.) "Bastard. The captain of the guard is still giving me that 'I only serve whoever is in charge' crap. Best I could do was to slow him down somewhat from getting here."

On the other side of the room Yeoman Clarissa wakes up. Luckily for Pupuhed, the pheromoan has worn off. She shakes her said and notices the men in the room.

Glarissa: "Oh, my captain! You are well. I am so pleased. Has Gorak been captured then?"

Pupuhed: "Figures you would ask about him. If I didn’t know better I would say you have something for this prince. I still don’t believe you that you tried your best to keep him occupied when I sent you to see him. "

Clarissa: "Oh, but I di...."

Pupuhed: "Silence now. I am busy."

Pramie: "My captain, give me the marines now. I know they can take the general out."

"No, I will not make their loyalties known until they are fully armed. I know the marines can take the podquids out using only secondary weapons. But it’s the fully armed security guards I am worried about. The marines wouldn’t make it here before they do. On top of that, remember Gorak also has the majority of the bridge crew with access to the environmental controls. No. We need to stick to the plan. The marines need their main weapons. We must wait just a little longer. Speaking of which, let me check in to see how the engineer is doing."

Pupuhed types some more and secretly contacts the engineer on the bridge using text messages. The engineer responds.

Pupuhed: (smiling) "Ah. He will have the hull polarization down any second now. The coward would have it down by now if he wasn’t trying to make a convoluted effort to hide his activities in the process."

Pramie: "Captain, with all due respect sir, I still think it’s safer to go with what we have then to allow the GREASERS in."


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