Wednesday, May 24, 2006

WHO: Captain Pupuhed
WHERE: Ambassador's Suite, Suid Sidal...

Glarissa: (startled) "OH! Is that what you are doing?? Letting the GREASERS in?? Are you mad? Uh, my captain. Sir."

Pupuhed: "Mad? HAHAHAHAHA. It has been said. But not this time. I happen to know how things work on MY ship. HAHAHAHAHA.."

Sure enough, the engineer finally manages to put together a method to take down the hull polarization without alerting anyone, especially that nosey science officer. With the hull now laid bare, the GREASERS commence their work unfettered now. Within seconds they breech the outer hull.

Immediately, alarms go off all over the bridge. The ship is automatically placed on Intruder Compromised status. Which, among other things, unlocks all the weapons lockers in the marines barracks.

Pramie: (over the barrack’s intercom) "Boys, as you can see. It’s show time. Get your gear and get to deck 5B. And I do mean all the men. And all the gear."


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