Wednesday, September 13, 2006

WHO: Captain Pupuhed
WHERE: Executive Suite, Suid Sidal...

A few minutes ago in the executive suite containing Pupuhed, Pramie, and Glarissa...

Pramie: "So is Az'Ibulon still in Brap Du Poop's room?"

Pupuhed: "Yes. The engineer tells me that he is still communicating with the bridge from there."

Pramie: "Odd that he should remain there."

Pupuhed: "It's not odd. He is slime and he feels right at home with slime. He is probably bathing in podquid filth right now. But this is good news for us. Listen Pramie. We need to keep him there."

Pramie: "It's a vulnerable position for him."

Pupuhed: "Yes. If the fool stays there, the security guards will have to guard multiple entrances to deck 5. The marines will have an even easier time getting through those mutinous dogs. I wonder if the general knows that he needs to get to a more defensable location."

Pramie: "This guy, he knows."

Pupuhed: "Quite. Which is why we need to prevent him from leaving deck 5 after he is done with his slime bath. We need to get out there and block his retreat, Pramie. Podquids or no."

Pramie: "Well, we have only this one handgun at the moment. First order of business would be to secure some weapons from the dead crewmembers outside." (Thinks of the carnage in the corridor) "By the gods, what a mess. This prince must die."

Pupuhed: "Dying is too good for him. I want to skin him alive and then dip him in Agonizer fluids. Are you finished giving the lieutenant his intructions?"

Pramie: "Yes. And I offer my services as skinner, captain."

Pupuhed: (Manages a wicked smile as he forces his battered body to stand up stiffly) "Let's do this then..."


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