Monday, September 11, 2006

WHO: Captain Rrak
WHERE: Holding Bay, Suid Sidal...

As Xandor stood guard, Captain Rrak and Xoltar began connecting their power cables.

Xoltar: "You know, this reminds me of a movie I saw one time. These guys had a desperate mission to accomplish and all around they were surrounded by enemies. They were low on ammunition and there wasn't much hope. But they were brave and strong."

Xandor: "Oh yeah? So, how did they survive?"

Xoltar: "Oh, they didn't. They were slaughtered by the enemy. Not a single survivor. And they didn't die quickly either. Their enemies took their time and dismembered them while they were still alive."

Captain Rrak with irritation in his voice: "Xoltar, why are you telling us this story?"

Xoltar: "Well, like I said, this reminds me of that movie."

Captain Rrak: "Well, this reminds me of a story too. These three guys had an important mission to accomplish, but one of them wasn't so bright so he didn't make it. The other two guys survived and didn't mind too much about the third guy because, as I said before, he wasn't too bright... You understand?"

Xoltar: "Yeah. But it would be a real shame if something happened to Xandor while we were out here."

Captain Rrak: "Xoltar. Shut up and get your cable connected."

With that, Captain Rrak finished connecting his negative cable to the Romero. He turned around and saw Xoltar complete his connection of the positive cable as well.

Captain Rrak to Team Gamma: "Ok Team Gamma, the power cables are connected. I'm going to have Xara power up the PezDispener again. Whenever you guys are ready, you can turn on the GWG."

Captain Rrak to Xara: "Ok Xara, we're all set out here. Fire her up."

Xara: "Sure thing Cap. I hope that Team Gamma gets that GWG operating soon. I've managed to hack into the Suid Sidal's systems and things don't look too good on that end either. Let's just say that the GREASERS need to be dealt with soon..."


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