Tuesday, September 12, 2006

WHO: Prince Gorak
WHERE: Suid Sidal...

The prince was cleaning soap of his ears when the intercom came on. It was the science officer again. "My lord, have more news for you."

Gorak: "Go on."

Sci Off: "We are registering a gravity well off the port side. The Pez crew have done it sir!"

Gorak: (hesitant) "And the GREASERS?"

Sci Off: "They reformed into a swarm and are being attracted by the well sir. They are off the ship!"

Gorak: "Well, I'll be. It worked. Those Pez guys really did it, eh? Amazingly smart civilians there. About time something went ri...."

Sci Off: "A moment my lord...something new coming in....

Gorak: "..."

Sci Off: "General, the gravity well is unstable and is slowly spiralling out of control. As the tip of the malformed egg shape comes around, like now...."

Gorak notices the water coming from the shower head lean slightly towards the port side at a angle. He then feels himself being pulled towards one side. It's a strange feeling of strong vertigo, like begin on a sideways rollercoaster.

Sci Off: "... we will experience gravity surges. Eventually, if not stabilized, we can all be sucked into the well and crushed."

Gorak: "Damn it. I hope those civilian morons know what they are doing. Keep me posted, I need to rinse off now. Wait, what's that smell? Oh no..."

Gorak peeks outside the shower and sees that the bathroom floor is being flooded by offensive podquid water that the gravity spike pulled out of their pool.

Gorak: "By the GODS....I have to go for now Science Officer. No wait, weren't the fed ships off the port side?"

Sci Off: "Why, yes, general."

Gorak: "Goooooood. Carry on."


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