Wednesday, September 13, 2006

WHERE: Space...

Out in space the GREASERS were following the spinning tip of the well. The unbalanced center was not presenting a good enough bait for them and so they continued to chase the off kilter epicenter around the rim .

Suddenly, with a large explosive flash, a nuclear detonation takes place right in the path of the GREASERS. The swarm is scattered in all directions in a chaotic mess.

The shock waves of the explosion jolts the entire gravity funnel down to it's core and for a moment it looks like it's about to shake itself apart uncontrollably. The entire artificial construct rocks and teeters like a bubble about to burst.

Then, amazingly, the wobbling starts to slow down and the well begins to assume a new shape. A more round one. In a few seconds the outside of the well forms a perfect circle that seems to almost lock into place with its own spinning centrifugal motion. The well becomes perfectly aligned.

The reforming insect swarm is immediately drawn to it. As they gather together around it they begin to spiral down towards the bottom. The lower they go the harder the gravity pulls on them until they reach the core, form a tight solid mass, and remain motionless.

The tough little bugs can't escape the strong gravity but they are not dead. They are suviving tolerances that would have crushed most other things. However, all that remains to kill them is a final signal sent from the Romero to have the well implode upon itself.


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