Thursday, September 14, 2006

WHO: Lt. Lollipoppy and the APE Marines
WHERE: Suid Sidal, Outside Deck 5

The security guards killed all power to decks 4 and 6, and locked all the pressure bulkheads along the way. Even so, the marines finally smash their way to the entrance of deck 5.

They are greeted by some well entrenched guards who have been expecting them. The marines are on one end of a long corridor and the security guards are on the other hiding behind some hastily erected durasteel blast shields.

Although the marines have some pretty heavy explosive armament, they were ordered to use them as a last resort since Pupuhed and Pramie are somewhere nearby. Instead they lay down a barrage of armor piercing fire that radically dents the durasteel and even penetrates it in places killing a few unlucky and lightly armored guards.

As the durasteel continues to take a pounding the guards initiate Plan A and suddenly all the artificial gravity on the marines's side of the corridor goes haywire.

First it repels the front line of marines and smashes them into the ceiling. Then it kicks in again at double normal power and smashes them back into the floor panels so hard that they buckle and almost cave in under the weight.

At that moment the leader of the guards yells "Fire!" and all the guards pop out from behind their shields and fire Can Opener rounds at the fallen marines.

The Can Opener ammunition strike the APE body armor of the staggered marines at multiple locations and adhere to it. After that, like the very GREASERS the ship was just saved from, the ammunition seems to come to life and with a low drilling sound begin to bore inward towards the flesh and blood marine inside.

The marines try and knock off the little drills, but they are too fast and too many. When the little drills breach the armor they all explode each with the same destructive power of an excavation squib that Gorak had used earlier.

Needless to say the marines attacked in this manner go down for good and the entire front line of marines is eliminated. The first round goes to the guards.


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