Wednesday, September 13, 2006

WHO: Monadnock
WHERE: Cockpit, Eikniwt...

Monadnock checks his scanners and monitors and realizes that it's the GREASERS! Most people would try to run and that would be their mistake. Monadnock grins, turns his ship toward the swarm and sets his thrusters to max.

He'd been looking for an opportunity to get back at those GREASERS. They'd destroyed his last ship - fortunately he wasn't on it at the time. But he had a little surprise for them this time.

Monadnock brought the torpedo bays online and prepped the missles. The GREASERS would feast now but pay later...

He had to time this just right. By increasing his speed toward the swarm, they in turn increased their speed toward him. He was bringing them into his trap nicely. The gap between them was closing quickly.

Like a dancer executing his steps in perfect time, Monadnock fired the missles - six in all - traveling at the same velocity as the Eikniwt. They came to life giving off strong energy signals. However, they wouldn't be strong enough to distract the GREASERS from his ship.

With little room left before he reached the GREASERS, he fired max left thrusters and threw his ship into a hard right turn. Immediately he shut down all systems and winked out of existence as far as the GREASERS were concerned. His environmental suit would have to protect him briefly.

Momentum kept the Eikniwt drifting, while the signal of the missles attracted the GREASERS since their former prey was no longer registering on their scanners.

Monadnock let the ship drift until he knew that he was far enough away from the GREASERS that they wouldn't be able to catch him. He brought his systems back to life and began accelerating. The GREASERS caught his signal again and were about to pursue when he went into hyperspace and winked out of existence once more.

The GREASERS were left only with the missles which were giving off such an alluring energy signal. They began feasting on the small "meal" that was available to them.


Monadnock comes out of hyperspace pleased with his work. By now, the GREASERS would have completely devoured those missles he left behind for them. What they didn't know was that those missles contained a virus. Any new GREASERS that were made from those missles were infected and they would in turn attack the swarm and spread the virus. The GREASERS would soon turn into a swarm of predators engaged in an endless cycle of attacking themselves.


Blogger Larcen said...

Holy cats. That rocked dude!

Impressive. Most impressive. :-)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006 12:16:00 PM  

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