Wednesday, September 13, 2006

WHO: Captain Pupuhed and Auflehnung auf Pramie
WHERE: Corridor of Deck 5...

When Pupuhed sees the shape the corridor is in he is aghast. It's a mess. Burnt walls, dead bodies, blood, and slime are everywhere. Pupuhed cannot believe all this for a single general. He also can't believe that he allowed himself to underestimate the prince twice in a row now. The first time when he unexpectly lost command of the ship, and the second time when he attempted to toy with Gorak instead of just killing him outright. But the time for toying has long since past. Pupuhed doesn't intend to give the lucky prince any more chances.

Pupuhed: (looking around and picking up a fallen handgun) "By the vengeful war gods, how can one man do all this? "

Pramie: "Well, there were the podquids too. With standard sidearms it was a difficult fight."

Pupuhed: "Well, those men lost to the podquids because they must have allowed the quids to get in tentacle range."

Pramie: "It wasn't like they had much of a choice, the door opened and..."

Pupuhed: "Regardless, we need to kill any we see before it gets close enough to grab us. Fortunately, I hear they don't hunt in packs. They should be all spread out on deck 5. Ah. Like that on there..."

At the other end of the corridor a fast moving quintaquid came dashing towards them. The two men took quick aim and fired. Although the weapons were designed to be low caliber in order to protect the ship's bulkheads and equipment, the rapid succession of accurate shots did their job. Under the stinging barrage the quintaquid recoiled then staggered back and fell in a sloppy mess of tentacles and slime. Pramie kept firing until it stopped moving.

Pramie: "I dislike those things. Why you keep them on board is beyond me, Sir. "

Pupuhed: (smiling) "Well, they were most entertaining."

Pramie: "No doubt. Why is it that they aren't eating all these dead bodies?"

Pupuhed: "Well for one thing, they like to eat fresh meat that they themselves killed. And for another, they won't eat the whole bodies, only choice organs. Like I said, entertaining."

The two men cautiously continue down the corridor towards the suite Gorak is in. They pick up more magazines for the pistols along the way. As they approach the door they both have their weapons trained on it, ready to shoot anything that might step out of the room.


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