Wednesday, September 13, 2006

WHO: Prince Gorak
WHERE: Suid Sidal...

Gorak thanks the ambassador for the wonderful time and bids him a fond farewell. He tells him he has a rogue captain to kill and mutinous crew to put down, no time for chit chat.

He carefully makes it through all the spilt slime water on the floor. (He Doesn't want to get his luxurious slippers wet with the stuff.) When he reaches the door that leads to the corridor he reaches over to unlock and open it.

Then his commlink beeps. Someone is messaging him. Again.

Gorak: (more to himself than to the podquid ambassador) "By all the GODS, I am out of the shower and people STILL keep calling me."

He angrily pauses to read it, not realizing that this call could quite possibly have just saved his life. It was a text message from yeoman Glarissa.

She tells him that Pupuhed and someone by the name of Pramie are on the move in the corridor and out to kill him.

"Imagine that," thinks Gorak.

She also tells him that the engineer on the bridge is on Pupuhed's side and has been helping him and feeding him information.

"Imagine THAT", Gorak thinks.

When he is done, Gorak doesn't really believe the yoeman. He still doesn't trust her because of that trap she led him into. He thinks this message might be a delaying tactic to keep him there while the marines get to him.

But, no sense taking any chances. Gorak calls the bridge and has them put the engineer under arrest and removed from the bridge. He then makes final plans with them and tells them that he might be a little late in joining up with them.


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