Saturday, October 21, 2006

WHO: Maintenance Crew Member
WHERE: Extremely messy corridor on Deck 5, Suid Sidal...

The maintenance crew member knows what a SEVER can do - he's seen enough Marines use them in gruesome fashion. But he shudders to think what Captain Pupuhed is capable of doing with one of them. Nevertheless, he knows how much worse it will be if he disobeys or tries to run away.

He steels himself as well as possible, anticipating his fate at the hands of the cruel Captain Pupuhed. He gets his sobbing under control and wipes the tears from his eyes. Suddenly a picture of his sweetheart, Elba Mae, pops into his head and he is glad that hers will be the last face he sees before departing this world.

The maintenance crew member stands and takes a step toward the captain. On his second step he starts to feel a little woozy and wobbly. Finally, on his third step, he passes out and crumbles to the floor. The impact knocks his EYEPODD loose from his uniform and it slides across the floor, stopping a few inches in front of Captain Pupuhed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where the heck is Robert? Is 7 of 777 ever gonna post again? Waiting impatiently? Why not try a decaffeinated frosty beverage, today?

Saturday, October 21, 2006 11:06:00 PM  
Blogger Larcen said...

Dunno dude, but in the meantime I say we just keep doing what we been doing, posting and having fun. It's your call how long you want to wait for him to come back before you take over Greystar again. You've done a great job so far with him.

Just so you know, me and Rrak are gearing up to do some adventuring on that new planet he landed on. If you like we can pull you into that (it's a BIG planet), or we can give you other things to do right where you are. ;-)

Monday, October 23, 2006 9:20:00 PM  

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