Tuesday, September 26, 2006

WHO: Maintenance Crew Member
WHERE: Deck 5, Suid Sidal...

Heading back to his quarters after a 9 hour shift, the maintenance crew member is glad that he will finally get some rest. Just as he's about to open his door, he feels the vibration of his paging device. He sighs in disbelief knowing that sleep is not in his immediate future, nor are dreams of his sweetheart, Elba Mae, back home on Romulos Prime.

Looking at the display screen he reads the following, "Earl, cleanup on Deck 5." And just like that, he's off to work again. He enters the maintenance lift and pushes the button for Deck 5. He prepares for another long shift by putting his earbuds in, pressing play on his EYEPODD and cranking up the volume. The lift stops, the doors open and the maintenance crew member steps out onto a slimy floor covered in some unknown liquid.

Maintenance crew member: "Eewww!!! What in the grok is that!?" he asks himself as he stares at the mess all over Deck 5. Looking around he sees severed tentacles and blood and marines and security forces. Oh man, this he was not expecting! When he signed on to serve aboard starships, he was expecting fun and adventure. Not slime and blood and goop and whatever else was on that floor. Suddenly he realizes that not only does he have to deal with the sight, but he also has to deal with the disgusting, nauseating smell that goes along with it. He pauses to put on his breathing mask and is finally ready to begin working. He puts his head down and starts up his cleaning machine. With his earbuds in, the volume at full blast and the sound of his cleaning machine, he hears nothing else.

He slowly makes progress and continues to move deeper into Deck 5 and the mess only get worse and worse. He rounds the corner heading toward the Podquid Ambassador's Suite and wonders what the podquids have been up to to create this mess... Fortunately, a great song by that new band StarDestroyer is playing and makes his work easier.

Focused on his work, he doesn't notice any of the commotion ahead of him until he is suddenly covered in Podquid brains! The force with which they hit him knock his breathing mask askew and suddenly he starts to gag. As he wipes the slime away from his eyes, he looks up to see a marine talking to an officer and lying on the ground is a headless podquid.

Suddenly realizing that the officer is Captain Pupuhed, he removes his earbuds to begin his apology for interrupting and hears, "...I want the bastard DEAD. Then I will skin him and dip him in agonizer fluids."

The poor maintenance crew member falls to his knees and begins begging for mercy. "Please Captain, I don't want to die. I didn't mean to interrupt. Please don't put me in agonizer fluids again! PLEASE!!!"


Blogger Larcen said...

HAW! Oh man, THANK YOU. My story needed that!! This is great.

Thanks for reminding me that I need to start working in some comic relief into this whole gory story. :-)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006 10:31:00 AM  

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