Wednesday, September 13, 2006

WHO: Captain Rrak
WHERE: Holding Bay, Suid Sidal...

Captain Rrak and Xoltar finish up with the rest of the zombies that were surrounding the juggler. After getting his name, they begin moving toward the portly gypsy, who in any other circumstances could pass as a roofing contractor. They see two Feds in red shirts finishing off some zombies around him as well.

Captain Rrak and Xoltar approach the group: "Greetings! I'm Captain Rrak. Pleasure to meet you. Nice job finishing off those zombies. I don't know how you men plan to get off this ship, but if anyone needs a ride, I plan on high tailing back to the PezDispenser over there and getting out of here one way or another... I've had just about as much as I can take of these Romulons."

With that, he turns and walks away. Captain Rrak doesn't waste any time. "Team Gamma, this is Team Beta. It's time to say our goodbyes whether they want to hear them or not. When you give the signal that the GWG is shut down, we will disconnect the power cables. Let's meet back at the PezDispenser as soon as we can after that."

Captain Rrak: "Xara, we should be heading back to the ship soon. Get her ready. Let Prince Gorak or whoever is in charge at the moment know that we are ready to go and thank them for their hospitality." Captain Rrak thinks to himself 'And if they don't let us go willingly, we'll just blast our way out...'


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