Friday, September 15, 2006

WHO: Lt. Lollipoppy and the APEs
WHERE: Duid Sidal, corridor outside of deck 5.

Not being sprawled all over the floor like the unfortunate front lines, Lt. Lollipoppy easily swats away the few can openers that make it to him with his arm shields. But he needs to do something fast. Despite quickly magnetizing his boots against the gravity fluctuations, its only a matter of time before the security guards initiate some kind of Plan B. The lieutenant considers resorting to some explosives to put the guards on the defensive for a change.

Just then an opportunity presents itself to the marines from a most unexpected quarter. From somewhere within the ship the most horrible sound imaginable aboard a starship is heard. It is a loud awful grinding. An almost painful twisting of metal. It sounds like some part of the Suid Sidal is being ripped away and eaten. As with nails on a chalkboard magnified to a maddening degree, the entire crew is stopped and frozen in their tracks.

To reassure the stunned crew after the terrible sound is over, the science officer sends a message on the shipwide intercom. He tells them all not to worry that that was only the Romero being pulled into the gravity well, and ONLY the Romero.

Unfortunately for the security guards, they didnt hear that last part of his message. Because just prior to the noise fading out Lollipoppy (not caring what the devil that sound was) took action and used the distraction to good affect. While the security guards were still stunned he yelled out to his men, "Skirmish!" Which was a codeword for: launch obscuring gas at the enemy, close to hand to hand range as fast as possible, and slice them all down with their SEVERs.

Small technical note: a SEVER is a "Single Edged Vibrofilament Extension Rod". They are swords that are attached to the APE armor and extend out a polarized almost invisible strand of single molecule monofilament that vibrates at an optimum rate for cutting whatever material necessary. With a strong enough power to the polarization field they can cut through durasteel like butter without so much as bending. These particular models are powered by the APE armor's small fusion reactors.

The blinding gas canisters hit the guards and before then even know what is happening the marines switch to multispectrum optics and clank down the corridor with their magnetized boots. They then wade into the guards and cut them down like thinwheat stalks during a harvest on planet Idahoan. If not for the obscuring gas, the scene would be a horrid spectacle of blood and death.

Lollipoppy revels in the slaughter. He imagines every one of the guards he cleaves in two to be the single man he is after. Gorak.


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