Wednesday, September 13, 2006

WHO: Prince Gorak
WHERE: Suid Sidal...

The prince gingerly tip-toes through the spilt podquid slime and walks over to get a towel. He contacts Lieutenant Lollipoppy of the marines on the vanity's intercom as he dries himself.

Gorak: "Lieutenant, this is general Az'Ibulon speaking. From what I can tell, it looks like you and your boys are on your way here to kill me. Am I correct?"

Lollipoppy: (amused that the general is even calling him) "That all depends on the resistance you give us general. We have orders to capture you and use all force necessary. Give yourself up and we won't have to use lethal force."

Gorak: "Son, are you aware that my rank as general was in the marines, the very corps you now serve?"

Lollipoppy: "Yes. I have read all about you, sir. I know you quit the marines after many successful campaigns because, let me see, you got tired of taking orders and doing the same thing all the time. So you pulled some powerful strings, became a captain in the navy, and got yourself your own starship so you can be more independant and be the guy who runs the ship your on for a change. Well, this isn't your ship, captain. It belongs to Pupuhed. Your ship got blown up real good, I hear."

Gorak: (checking his teeth in the mirror) "Son, I'm real busy right now, and I know threats won't phase you, so let me get to the point. What will it take for you to get off my back and back in line?"

Lollipoppy: "A direct order from CAPTAIN Pupuhed."

Gorak: (drying his hair) "Fine, lieutenant. Come get me then."

The prince closes the connection with the marine and opens a new one with the security guard Master Chief. He informs him that the marines are on the way. After a short pause the chief informs Gorak that it's been a long and heated debate on who would win in a fight between the two forces. There is no love between the marines and the security guards. The chief sounds confident when he says they control the ship and they have the superior numbers.

Gorak: (getting dressed in the best he could find, expensive loungewear and slippers.) "Good man, Master Chief. Maintain position around deck 5. I'll be there shortly so you and your men can escort me to the bridge."


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