Monday, October 23, 2006

WHO: Lollypoppy and the APEs
WHERE: Ambassador suite, Suid Sidal

As Lieutenant Lollypoppy is entering the room there is some gunfire so he quickly looks around to see what corporal Takeover is shooting at.

There is now a smoldering translator box sitting on a side table. The Lieutenant looks at it then the two other marines.

Lollypoppy: “What the helg was that?”

Sweet: “Damn if we know. The weird thing kept farting and burping at us.”

Lollypoppy: (sternly) “Ok fine, but WHERE is the general?”

Takeover: “Beats us chief. All we seen so far is that huge slimey thing over there.” (points at octopod with his rifle) “Bloody helg, the ugly thing is still moving.”

In a panic Private Sweet is about to fire at it again, with a rocket no less, until Takeover stops him with a whack on the back of the helmet. “What are you, an idiot? You might hit the Lieutenant this time.”

Lollypoppy: “I swear to Krod, you two are lucky I promised Sargeant Sneed I would let you frakoffs see some action. Now forget the stupid quid and look around, Az’Ibulon is around here somewhere and obviously hiding. And where is this Pramie character?”

The other marine who entered with Lollipoppy, private Convo, notices some blood on the floor among the puddles of water and points it out to everyone. With their eyes they all follow the trail of the red droplets right to a big door that reads: EMERGENCY ESCAPE POD.

Lollypoppy: “Oh DAMN…he is going to..”

Suddenly they all hear a loud roar of engines and the room is momentarily shaken as the ambassador’s private escape pod is launched.

They all stand there and watch as the small rear viewing port of the escape pod comes into view right outside the suite's large observation window. Lord Gorak is waving at them from inside the pod.

Private Sweet is about to fire at him right through the two windows, with a rocket no less, until Takeover stops him with a whack on the back of the helmet. “What are you, an idiot? You want to vent us all into space?”

Without taking his eyes off the escape pod that is obviously making it's way toward the bridge Lollypoppy shoots the octopod dead that was reaching for his leg with a quivering tentacle.


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