Friday, November 03, 2006

Who: A badly hurt Gorak
Where: A Greaser chewed escape Pod

As soon as the small rear viewport loses sight of the marines Gorak limps over to the pilot's control chair and collapses into it. It was by sheer will alone that he managed to make it this far. The general is bleeding badly from the two gunshots wounds. To make matters worse the pain in his chest is making it very hard for him to breath and he feels he is on the verge of passing out. He knows he needs to get medical attention fast.

The other occupants of the escape pod are faring much better. Brap Du Poop and his three favorite mating monopods are all coiled up and snug in a corner of the floor. Gorak doesn't care much that the quid came with him in order to avoid retribution from an angry Pupuhed. In fact it was the ambassador that gave him the escape pod's launch code.

But it's wasn't the lack of the code that prevented Gorak from using the escape pod sooner. At first it was the threat of the Greasers that were devouring the entire ship, escape pods and all, and later when they were gone it was still risky to take the pod because it was certainly damaged by the bugs.

Another concern about this escape maneuver is that the Feds could quite easily shoot him or teleport him while he was in transit. But badly injured as he was and with the marines bearing down on him, he had little choice. He was forced to take the escape pod. Luckily the trip to the bridge would be short and the pod seems to be handling adequately despite the damage done to it.

Gorak coughs up some blood as he checks in with the master chief to make sure all the security guards have been redeployed to protect the bridge as ordered. He was told they were pretty much in place now and awaiting his arrival. And the arrival of the marines.

A small gurgly noise made Gorak look down at the wet and glistening podquids on the floor. The prince allows himself a painful chuckle. "Pods in a pod," he thought.

But then the gurgling becomes more of a purring and the podquids all start to writhe and twist among themselves.

Gorak: (looking at them with sudden disgust) "What the...? Oh, EW. That's not right!"


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