Tuesday, October 24, 2006

WHO: A dirty, tired, very pissed off Captain Pupuhed
WHERE: Extremely messy corridor on Deck 5, Suid Sidal

The marines in the corridor all start laughing at the janitor who fainted. But Pupuhed ignores them and stands up slowly in much pain and filth. He walks wearily over to the fallen janitor, absently stepping on the EYEPODD along the way.

When he reaches the janitor he stops and, SEVER still in hand, he bends down and reaches for the unconscious man. The marines all stop laughing and wait to see what will happen next. Will he kill him? Will he cut off his head? Will he bisect the man? Or will he simply maime him by lopping off a limb or two?

Pupuhed takes the man's bottle of soap detergent, sprays some on the cleaning towel he was holding, and then uses it to wipe his face. The marines are still holding their breaths.

The captain continues to wipe his body down. When he is clean enough he throws the dirty towel on the man's face and says "Idiot."

He then turns around and faces the ambassador suite. He hefts the SEVER in his hand and forces himself to stand up tall again. "Now, let's see if a piece of this General is still alive for me."

He walks towards the suite and the marines all relax. Some are even somewhat disappointed.


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