WHO: Commander Kummerbum
WHERE: The Edge of the OmegaHeat Galaxy aboard the SSS Slipery Elm
Commander Kummerbum wakes with a start in her large mud tub.
Commander Kummerbum: "Stupid monkey dream again. I really shouldn't eat before my soaks."
Lifting a dried mud encrusted claw, she presses the intercom button on the edge of the tub.
Commander Kummerbum: "Status report."
Ensin Perdido: "We are approching the H.A.G. now sir."
Commander Kummerbum: "The what?"
Ensin Perdido: "Well, we couldn't find a star gate. We found a Hyper Acceleration Gate instead. This will cut our travel time to 2 parsecs to reach the 7x8 quadrant. That will give us plenty of time to get back for your polishing appointment, sir"
Commander Kummerbum: "Exxxccceeellleent! Wake me when we arrive...(zzzzzzzzzz)"
Ensin Perdido: "Oh man...the commander fell alseep on the intercom again"
Commander Kummerbum: "(zzzzzzz)...monkeys and show tunes and poo, oh my...(zzzzzzz)"
WHERE: The Edge of the OmegaHeat Galaxy aboard the SSS Slipery Elm
Commander Kummerbum wakes with a start in her large mud tub.
Commander Kummerbum: "Stupid monkey dream again. I really shouldn't eat before my soaks."
Lifting a dried mud encrusted claw, she presses the intercom button on the edge of the tub.
Commander Kummerbum: "Status report."
Ensin Perdido: "We are approching the H.A.G. now sir."
Commander Kummerbum: "The what?"
Ensin Perdido: "Well, we couldn't find a star gate. We found a Hyper Acceleration Gate instead. This will cut our travel time to 2 parsecs to reach the 7x8 quadrant. That will give us plenty of time to get back for your polishing appointment, sir"
Commander Kummerbum: "Exxxccceeellleent! Wake me when we arrive...(zzzzzzzzzz)"
Ensin Perdido: "Oh man...the commander fell alseep on the intercom again"
Commander Kummerbum: "(zzzzzzz)...monkeys and show tunes and poo, oh my...(zzzzzzz)"
It seems that Commander Kummerbum, naps when she should be having fun.
I am the Lizard Queen!
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