Tuesday, September 19, 2006

WHO: Commander Kummerbum
WHERE: Somewhere in the OmegaHeat Galaxy aboard the SSS Slipery Elm

Chief Science officer Scorpion: "Psst....sir....you dropped this in the mud bath"

Scorpion gingerly hands a pip over to Captin Kummerbum.

Captin Kummberbum: "Oh thank you....I've been looking for that"

Captin Kummberbum rests the pip on her collar.

Captin Kummberbum: "Rank Formation! Pips Transform!"

The whole crew oooh's and aw's at the spectacular light show of the Captin's transformation into Commander Kummerbum.

Commander Kummerbum: "You know...If my pip was in the mud bath...maybe the U.I.G. Map-o-rama is in there too. Go check the mud baths. Chop chop!"


Blogger Larcen said...

Oh! Me and the kids LOVE Power Rangers!! KEWL. I am liking this Commander Kummerbum already. Does he have an animal Zord??

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 11:34:00 AM  
Blogger Larcen said...

I just wanted everyone to know that I have officially changed my posting ID from "Prince Gorak" to "Plot Twist".

Why? Well, Gorak might not survive this and I been wanting a more generic author name anyway. So Plot Twist it is. Mr. Twist to friends.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 12:20:00 PM  

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