Tuesday, November 21, 2006

WHO: Pupuhed, Lollypoppy, and the APEs.
WHERE: Ambassaor Suite, Deck 5, Suid Sidal

Pupuhed does not take the news of Gorak's escape very well. After he is told what happened the captain has the sudden desire to kill something. Badly. He desperately wished that janitor was not outside in the corridor but in this very room. He tightens his grip on the Sever and glares at the marines in the room and doesn't say a word.

It's a sure bet that Pramie saved the life of his captain again by giving Pupuhed his medication back when he recovering from his beating in the other suite. If it wasn't for the pills Pupuhed probably would have done something real stupid right about now. Like hack off a marine's head with the Sever. Luckily for the insane captain the meds are doing their job and he is able to maintain some semblance of control.

Pupuhed: (in a slow steady voice) "Why, didn't, you, shoot, the, bastard, through, the, window?"

Private Sweet was just about to say something when Corporal Takeover silences him with a whack in the back of the helmet.

Lollipoppy: "Ahem. That would have decompressed this entire deck out into space. Sir."

Pupuhed: (almost losing it now) "I don't CARE! You fools have spacesuits, no? Your mission was to KILL him, no?? Besides you are..." (He was about to say "expendable" but pauses instead.) "...trained for decompressions, right??"

Lollipoppy: "Captain, you were not wearing a spacesuit."

Pupuhed: "I know that! Close the room door, THEN shoot him!! By the GODS I need something to kill. Oh wait. Where is Pramie then?"

Lollipoppy: "No sign of him sir."

Pupuhed: "Argh! No way that fool prince could have taken Pramie out on his own. If Pramie is dead he must have had some help. Where is Brap-Du-Poop?"

Lollipoppy: (hesitant) "If you mean the quid ambassador, we don't know that either. Sir. But we do have that slime trail leading to the escape pod."

Pupuhed has heard enough. He is seriously pissed off.

Pupuhed: "Redeploy! Now! Head to the bridge and GET THEM. At all costs. The remaining guards are probably already there. Which explains why they never showed up here. I want them DEAD. All of them. The mutinous dogs sicken me. This has gone on FAR enough."

Just then, Pupuhed does another one of his sudden mood changes and he thinks of a better idea. He raises his hand to pause the marines' departure.

Pupuhed: "Wait. I have a better idea. When you get there, do not engage them. Contact me for futher orders. Now GO."

And so as the captain stays behind to find Pramie, all the marines make there way to the bridge. They encounter no resistance on the way but they are all quite certain the battle will be very spectacular and bloody when they get there.


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