Sunday, November 19, 2006

WHO: Xoltar
WHERE: Yelsiesom Space Port, Docking Bay 94...

"Great! I'll meet you there in half an hour!" Xoltar turned off his communicator and was excited about meeting up with Xandor and Xara. It sounded like they were already having fun and he couldn't wait to join in. They'd found a nifty little cantina off the beaten path.

He was still suffering a few side effects from the sedatives - like minor, nervous, uncontrollable twitches and a bit of a limp in his left leg. He reviewed his map because the city was large and he had a very bad sense of direction. Ok, the cantina was in the Orudosord section of the city. He hoisted his pack over his shoulder and started off.

"Straight down this road, right at the scrap shop, left at the one-eyed beggar, another left at the nanospecialist repair shop (hmmm, that one looks interesting - better remember it for later), left at the recycling station, another left at the souvenier shop and hold on... that looks like the same scrap shop! How did I get here? Straight, right, left, left, left and left!? Huh? Four lefts makes a circle! Better ask someone..."

Xoltar sees a pretty woman walking down the street and decides that she looks like a nice person to ask. "Excuse me, can you help me? I'm looking for some people to have a good time." Just at that moment, one of his minor nervous, uncontrollable twitches kicks in and his right eye quickly closes and opens appearing like a wink. This combined with the silly smile on his face and his question sends the wrong message to the woman. Offended, she slaps Xoltar hard and walks on. Due to the limp in his left leg, he loses his balance and falls down. Stunned, he thinks to himself, "This is a tough and dangerous place. Better just keep to myself and figure it out on my own."

He get up, readjusts the pack and starts again. Left at the one-eyed beggar...

Three and a half hours later, Xoltar finally walks through the front door of the cantina. He finds Xandor and Xara and collapses into a seat. They notice that both of his cheeks are very red. "I don't get it. I followed the map exactly but couldn't find the place. I must have walked by here a hundred times and everytime I asked someone for help, I got a slap in the face! I'm warning you, be careful! These people are not friendly."

Xandor and Xara ignore him and order another round.


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