Friday, January 26, 2007

WHO: Xoltar, Xandor and Xara
WHERE: "Off the Beaten Path" Cantina

Xoltar: "Look, I'm telling you, this is a SURE thing!"

Xara: "I'm not interested in another one of your hair-brained schemes Xoltar. The last time we tried one of those, I lost half my savings and worse - I was stuck in a tight packing container with you for 4 days!" As she finishes, she rolls her eyes and sighs looking in the direction of the bar.

Xandor to Xara: "What's wrong? Why do you keep looking over at the bar?"

Xara: "That guy keeps checking me out and I don't like it."

Xoltar: "Come on, you should be flattered by the attention. You're a good looking woman. That's why you make yourself so pretty, isn't it? So you can attract attention from the opposite sex. That's why you got yourself stuck in that packing crate with me." Xoltar shoots her a goofy grin.

Xara: "Look Xoltar, you aren't too pretty to begin with. Or smart. If you don't stop talking I'm gonna give you a face even your mother won't love." Xara pauses and gives a look of disgust. "Oh great! He's coming over here."

The handsome stranger comes over and gives a cocky grin: "Hey pretty lady. I couldn't help but notice you. Can I buy you a drink?"

Xara: "No thanks. I'm out with my friends tonight."

Handsome stranger: "I'd like to be your friend." Another cocky grin.

Xara: "Look jerky, I said I'm not..."

Xoltar: "Don't worry Xara, I'll take care of this." Xoltar stands up, turns and faces the handsome stranger. "Dang this guy is good looking!" Xoltar thinks to himself then shakes his head clear. He gives the handsome stranger a tough look. "Excuse me, but the lady said..."

The last thing he remembers is the pain in his nose...


"...Wow, what a shot! I can't believe you took him out with one hit!" says one patron.

"It was nothing. Just some simple self-defense techniques I learned a few years back." says a familiar voice.

Xoltar slowly comes back to consciousness and his brain tries to process what his eyes are seeing. Broken table. Smashed glass. Someone else unconscious on the ground. "What happened here?" he thinks to himself.

Xandor reaches down and gives a helping hand. Xoltar slowly gets up and sits in his chair again. Seeing more clearly now he notices that the "someone else on the ground" is the handsome stranger - "Dang, not so handsome now."

Xoltar to Xandor: "Thanks for stepping in and standing up for Xara. I don't know what happened. That guy must have sucker punched me when I had my back turned. Whatever you did to that guy - he deserved it."

Xandor: "Me!? I didn't do anything. Xara moved like lightning. Before you even hit the ground, she was up and on him. He saw her coming but he didn't stand a chance. She took one shot at him and it was over. Kind of like what happened to you but more fierce."

Xoltar looks over at Xara with a confused look on his face. "You're welcome", she says and flashes him one of her sweetest smiles.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

WHO: Captain Rrak
WHERE: Mistress Yiqqy's Dance School for Those Who Aspire to be Gifted Dancers But Really Aren't Sure Yet...

"One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four! Turn! Jump! Turn! No! No!! No!!!" Mistress Yiqqy screams as she strikes Captain Rrak repeatedly with her metal cane. "I said 'turn'! You looked like child dizzy from spinning!" She turns away looking disgusted. "That's enough for today! I can't bear to look at your pathetic form any longer! Depart from me this instance! You may return in 3 days - after I've had time to recover from your horrifying performance!"

Captain Rrak: "But I've only been here for 10 minutes."

Mistress Yiqqy: "10 excruciating mintutes! Make it 4 days! You wear on me! Goodbye!!!" At this, she leaves the room. Poor Captain Rrak is left to wonder how things got off to such a rocky start. He was ready to impress Mistress Yiqqy with his style and grace, but somehow he got all flustered and couldn't do anything right. Perhaps the 4 days would help him to collect himself and calm his nerves.

He collected his things and headed out the door. Well, now he had plenty of time to stop somewhere and get something to eat. He proceeded toward the center of the city knowing just the right place. He took a left, then a right. Paused to look into a store window. As he looked back down the street, the way he had come, he saw a figure dart into a side alley. Now he was sure that he was being followed.

He started walking again picking up his pace. He began taking turns quickly and backtracking trying to get lost in the maze of streets. His pursuer was good, but not that good - Rrak had spotted him after all. As he took the next turn, he stopped and waited just around the corner. When his pursuer slowly peeked around the corner, Rrak reached out and grabbed him! He was small and wiry but Rrak had the element of surprise and was able to subdue him.

He pulled off his pursuer's hat and a thick head of dark hair fell from beneath it. Rrak couldn't believe it - it wasn't a man, it was a womam! As he stood in stunned silence she quickly brought up a knee and tried to catch him right between the legs. Instinct took over and Rrak turned his body slightly causing the knee to deflect harmlessly off his leg.

"Is that any way to treat a lady?" she spat with a slight accent.

Captain Rrak smiling: "Oh, are you a 'lady'!? I'm so sorry, I didn't recognize you. Now, why don't you tell me why you're following me?"

Mysterious woman: "I saw you at the studio of Mistress Yiqqy and I was impressed with your ability. I am looking for a dance partner to compete with and I thought that you might be just the right person."

Captain Rrak: "Are you kidding? Did you hear what Mistress Yiqqy had to say about me? Did you see my performance?"

Mysterious woman: "Yes, and Mistress Yiqqy does not know everything. You have a natural ability - exactly what I am looking for.

Captain Rrak looks at her suspiciously but hopefully as well: "Ok, I'm intrigued. Care to join me for dinner and tell me more?"

Mysterious woman: "As long as you are buying." she says with a smile.

Captain Rrak let's her go and leads the way to dinner.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

WHO: Pupuhed, Lollypoppy, and the APEs.
WHERE: Ambassaor Suite, Deck 5, Suid Sidal

Pupuhed does not take the news of Gorak's escape very well. After he is told what happened the captain has the sudden desire to kill something. Badly. He desperately wished that janitor was not outside in the corridor but in this very room. He tightens his grip on the Sever and glares at the marines in the room and doesn't say a word.

It's a sure bet that Pramie saved the life of his captain again by giving Pupuhed his medication back when he recovering from his beating in the other suite. If it wasn't for the pills Pupuhed probably would have done something real stupid right about now. Like hack off a marine's head with the Sever. Luckily for the insane captain the meds are doing their job and he is able to maintain some semblance of control.

Pupuhed: (in a slow steady voice) "Why, didn't, you, shoot, the, bastard, through, the, window?"

Private Sweet was just about to say something when Corporal Takeover silences him with a whack in the back of the helmet.

Lollipoppy: "Ahem. That would have decompressed this entire deck out into space. Sir."

Pupuhed: (almost losing it now) "I don't CARE! You fools have spacesuits, no? Your mission was to KILL him, no?? Besides you are..." (He was about to say "expendable" but pauses instead.) "...trained for decompressions, right??"

Lollipoppy: "Captain, you were not wearing a spacesuit."

Pupuhed: "I know that! Close the room door, THEN shoot him!! By the GODS I need something to kill. Oh wait. Where is Pramie then?"

Lollipoppy: "No sign of him sir."

Pupuhed: "Argh! No way that fool prince could have taken Pramie out on his own. If Pramie is dead he must have had some help. Where is Brap-Du-Poop?"

Lollipoppy: (hesitant) "If you mean the quid ambassador, we don't know that either. Sir. But we do have that slime trail leading to the escape pod."

Pupuhed has heard enough. He is seriously pissed off.

Pupuhed: "Redeploy! Now! Head to the bridge and GET THEM. At all costs. The remaining guards are probably already there. Which explains why they never showed up here. I want them DEAD. All of them. The mutinous dogs sicken me. This has gone on FAR enough."

Just then, Pupuhed does another one of his sudden mood changes and he thinks of a better idea. He raises his hand to pause the marines' departure.

Pupuhed: "Wait. I have a better idea. When you get there, do not engage them. Contact me for futher orders. Now GO."

And so as the captain stays behind to find Pramie, all the marines make there way to the bridge. They encounter no resistance on the way but they are all quite certain the battle will be very spectacular and bloody when they get there.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

WHO: Xoltar
WHERE: Yelsiesom Space Port, Docking Bay 94...

"Great! I'll meet you there in half an hour!" Xoltar turned off his communicator and was excited about meeting up with Xandor and Xara. It sounded like they were already having fun and he couldn't wait to join in. They'd found a nifty little cantina off the beaten path.

He was still suffering a few side effects from the sedatives - like minor, nervous, uncontrollable twitches and a bit of a limp in his left leg. He reviewed his map because the city was large and he had a very bad sense of direction. Ok, the cantina was in the Orudosord section of the city. He hoisted his pack over his shoulder and started off.

"Straight down this road, right at the scrap shop, left at the one-eyed beggar, another left at the nanospecialist repair shop (hmmm, that one looks interesting - better remember it for later), left at the recycling station, another left at the souvenier shop and hold on... that looks like the same scrap shop! How did I get here? Straight, right, left, left, left and left!? Huh? Four lefts makes a circle! Better ask someone..."

Xoltar sees a pretty woman walking down the street and decides that she looks like a nice person to ask. "Excuse me, can you help me? I'm looking for some people to have a good time." Just at that moment, one of his minor nervous, uncontrollable twitches kicks in and his right eye quickly closes and opens appearing like a wink. This combined with the silly smile on his face and his question sends the wrong message to the woman. Offended, she slaps Xoltar hard and walks on. Due to the limp in his left leg, he loses his balance and falls down. Stunned, he thinks to himself, "This is a tough and dangerous place. Better just keep to myself and figure it out on my own."

He get up, readjusts the pack and starts again. Left at the one-eyed beggar...

Three and a half hours later, Xoltar finally walks through the front door of the cantina. He finds Xandor and Xara and collapses into a seat. They notice that both of his cheeks are very red. "I don't get it. I followed the map exactly but couldn't find the place. I must have walked by here a hundred times and everytime I asked someone for help, I got a slap in the face! I'm warning you, be careful! These people are not friendly."

Xandor and Xara ignore him and order another round.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Who: A badly hurt Gorak
Where: A Greaser chewed escape Pod

As soon as the small rear viewport loses sight of the marines Gorak limps over to the pilot's control chair and collapses into it. It was by sheer will alone that he managed to make it this far. The general is bleeding badly from the two gunshots wounds. To make matters worse the pain in his chest is making it very hard for him to breath and he feels he is on the verge of passing out. He knows he needs to get medical attention fast.

The other occupants of the escape pod are faring much better. Brap Du Poop and his three favorite mating monopods are all coiled up and snug in a corner of the floor. Gorak doesn't care much that the quid came with him in order to avoid retribution from an angry Pupuhed. In fact it was the ambassador that gave him the escape pod's launch code.

But it's wasn't the lack of the code that prevented Gorak from using the escape pod sooner. At first it was the threat of the Greasers that were devouring the entire ship, escape pods and all, and later when they were gone it was still risky to take the pod because it was certainly damaged by the bugs.

Another concern about this escape maneuver is that the Feds could quite easily shoot him or teleport him while he was in transit. But badly injured as he was and with the marines bearing down on him, he had little choice. He was forced to take the escape pod. Luckily the trip to the bridge would be short and the pod seems to be handling adequately despite the damage done to it.

Gorak coughs up some blood as he checks in with the master chief to make sure all the security guards have been redeployed to protect the bridge as ordered. He was told they were pretty much in place now and awaiting his arrival. And the arrival of the marines.

A small gurgly noise made Gorak look down at the wet and glistening podquids on the floor. The prince allows himself a painful chuckle. "Pods in a pod," he thought.

But then the gurgling becomes more of a purring and the podquids all start to writhe and twist among themselves.

Gorak: (looking at them with sudden disgust) "What the...? Oh, EW. That's not right!"

Saturday, October 28, 2006

WHO: Captain Rrak
WHERE: Captain's quarters, PezDispenser...

So far so good. They'd been docked for a few hours and no one had come looking for him yet. At least no one had been waiting for his arrival.

As soon as they had docked, Xara and Xandor began securing the ship and now they were off in the city somewhere taking advantage of their well earned downtime.

Xoltar was moving a little more slowly, recovering from the effects of the sedative. D.O.C. had revived him but his system was still adjusting. He planned to meet up with the others when he was able.

Captain Rrak had no idea what Paddle Bottom, "mad" Rodolfo or that crazy band of gypsies were up to. Better not to ask with that group.

He settled down again to review a few more items before he would decide where his first stop would be. Whereever it was though, he planned to make the most of his stay in Dolja.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

WHO: A dirty, tired, very pissed off Captain Pupuhed
WHERE: Extremely messy corridor on Deck 5, Suid Sidal

The marines in the corridor all start laughing at the janitor who fainted. But Pupuhed ignores them and stands up slowly in much pain and filth. He walks wearily over to the fallen janitor, absently stepping on the EYEPODD along the way.

When he reaches the janitor he stops and, SEVER still in hand, he bends down and reaches for the unconscious man. The marines all stop laughing and wait to see what will happen next. Will he kill him? Will he cut off his head? Will he bisect the man? Or will he simply maime him by lopping off a limb or two?

Pupuhed takes the man's bottle of soap detergent, sprays some on the cleaning towel he was holding, and then uses it to wipe his face. The marines are still holding their breaths.

The captain continues to wipe his body down. When he is clean enough he throws the dirty towel on the man's face and says "Idiot."

He then turns around and faces the ambassador suite. He hefts the SEVER in his hand and forces himself to stand up tall again. "Now, let's see if a piece of this General is still alive for me."

He walks towards the suite and the marines all relax. Some are even somewhat disappointed.

Monday, October 23, 2006

WHO: Lollypoppy and the APEs
WHERE: Ambassador suite, Suid Sidal

As Lieutenant Lollypoppy is entering the room there is some gunfire so he quickly looks around to see what corporal Takeover is shooting at.

There is now a smoldering translator box sitting on a side table. The Lieutenant looks at it then the two other marines.

Lollypoppy: “What the helg was that?”

Sweet: “Damn if we know. The weird thing kept farting and burping at us.”

Lollypoppy: (sternly) “Ok fine, but WHERE is the general?”

Takeover: “Beats us chief. All we seen so far is that huge slimey thing over there.” (points at octopod with his rifle) “Bloody helg, the ugly thing is still moving.”

In a panic Private Sweet is about to fire at it again, with a rocket no less, until Takeover stops him with a whack on the back of the helmet. “What are you, an idiot? You might hit the Lieutenant this time.”

Lollypoppy: “I swear to Krod, you two are lucky I promised Sargeant Sneed I would let you frakoffs see some action. Now forget the stupid quid and look around, Az’Ibulon is around here somewhere and obviously hiding. And where is this Pramie character?”

The other marine who entered with Lollipoppy, private Convo, notices some blood on the floor among the puddles of water and points it out to everyone. With their eyes they all follow the trail of the red droplets right to a big door that reads: EMERGENCY ESCAPE POD.

Lollypoppy: “Oh DAMN…he is going to..”

Suddenly they all hear a loud roar of engines and the room is momentarily shaken as the ambassador’s private escape pod is launched.

They all stand there and watch as the small rear viewing port of the escape pod comes into view right outside the suite's large observation window. Lord Gorak is waving at them from inside the pod.

Private Sweet is about to fire at him right through the two windows, with a rocket no less, until Takeover stops him with a whack on the back of the helmet. “What are you, an idiot? You want to vent us all into space?”

Without taking his eyes off the escape pod that is obviously making it's way toward the bridge Lollypoppy shoots the octopod dead that was reaching for his leg with a quivering tentacle.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

WHO: Maintenance Crew Member
WHERE: Extremely messy corridor on Deck 5, Suid Sidal...

The maintenance crew member knows what a SEVER can do - he's seen enough Marines use them in gruesome fashion. But he shudders to think what Captain Pupuhed is capable of doing with one of them. Nevertheless, he knows how much worse it will be if he disobeys or tries to run away.

He steels himself as well as possible, anticipating his fate at the hands of the cruel Captain Pupuhed. He gets his sobbing under control and wipes the tears from his eyes. Suddenly a picture of his sweetheart, Elba Mae, pops into his head and he is glad that hers will be the last face he sees before departing this world.

The maintenance crew member stands and takes a step toward the captain. On his second step he starts to feel a little woozy and wobbly. Finally, on his third step, he passes out and crumbles to the floor. The impact knocks his EYEPODD loose from his uniform and it slides across the floor, stopping a few inches in front of Captain Pupuhed.

Friday, October 20, 2006

WHO: Captain Pupuhed
WHERE: Extremely messy corridor on Deck 5, Suid Sidal.

Pupuhed wipes more quid blood from his arms, face, and shoulders. He then notices the maintenance idiot who is begging for mercy and gives the man a look of contempt and disdain. The captain holds up his right hand and without taking his eyes off the janitor he asks the nearest marine to disconnect his SEVER and hand it to him.

Pupuhed knows that without the APE powerplant, the SEVER's internal battery will only last a few short seconds. But it's more than enough time to get the job done. The heavy cylindrical rod in placed into his hand and Pupuhed fingers the activation stud.

Pupuhed (glaring at maintenance crewmember): "You. Come here."

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

WHO: Captain Rrak
WHERE: PezDispenser...

beep, beep, beep...

Captain Rrak looks over at his console and taps the comm key.

Xara: "Hey Cap, entering Nojeslott atmoshpere now."

Captain Rrak: "Great! Thanks for the update. I'll be there in a sec." He puts down his copy of Dancing for Dummies and heads for the cockpit. As he arrives, he looks out of the cockpit windows and sees the sprawling cities below. He wasn't sure if it was possible, but it seemed like the planet may have grown even more. All the better to remain anonymous.

Xara: "I've been in communication with the Dolja port authorities and we've been assigned to docking bay 94 in the Yelsiesom space port. It's in one of the most wretched sections of the city."

Captain Rrak: "We must be cautious. I hope that Xoltar can manage to stay out of trouble."

He walks over to the ship's comm and clicks the key. "Attention. This is Captain Rrak. Just wanted to let everyone know that we will be landing in Dolja very shortly and you are all free to enjoy the city. I'm not sure yet how long we'll be staying, so just keep your communication devices handy in case someone needs to get in touch with you. We're here to enjoy ourselves, but try to keep a low profile and stay out of trouble. Thanks. Captain out."

Thursday, October 05, 2006

WHO: Captain Rrak
WHERE: Captain's Room, PezDispenser...

Captain Rrak sat at his desk reviewing the data on his monitor. Nojeslott was the perfect place to go for a break. It was considered a Recreation Center by most everyone and would provide all of the pleasant distractions that the crew would be looking for after the adventures they just lived through.

More importantly, it was a high-technology planet with an overcrowded population. This meant that he would be able to find anything he needed (like those Overlords of the Dance minidiscs he so desperately craved and the replacement parts for his Entertainment Center aboard the PezDispenser). It also meant that it would be easy to get lost and go unnoticed by those who might be looking for him.

He chose the city of Dolja. It wasn't the capital city of the planet, but it was still one of the largest with everything he would need. Hopefully it was big enough for Xoltar to stay anonymous and out of trouble. Perhaps it would best to leave Xoltar sedated... No, he might be incompetent at times, but his techno-babble would come in handy.

He commed Xara and told her to head for Dolja once they reached atmosphere.

Now, to find the nearest Officially Authorized Overlords of the Dance Dance Studio! He tapped at the keys on his input device and found it.

"Mistress Yiqqy's Dance School for Those Who Aspire to be Gifted Dancers But Really Aren't Sure Yet"

He tapped away again and signed up for an expert private lesson with Mistress Yiqqy herself. Ah, to be a dancer for the Overlords of the Dance!!! He was one step closer to his dream. He went to his locker, pulled out his tritanium case, unlocked it and opened it. The thrill of looking at his gold and silver sequined shoes brought a girlish squeal from him. To think that these shoes once belonged to a Great Overlord! He quickly closed the case again and locked it. "Ah, Mistress Yiqqy, you are in for a great treat!!!"

Sunday, October 01, 2006

WHO: Loppypoppy and the APEs
WHERE: Ambassor suite, Suid Sidal

Despite having a good idea what to expect Lollypoppy and his three marines follow the standard procedures for entering a room occupied by unknown enemy forces. Two of them enter first in a cautious crisscross pattern. It was corporal Takeover and private Sweet.

The octopod is still waiting inside the door and it grabs Takeover and pulls at him. But the marine’s boots are magnetized and the APE armor weighs too much anyway. At the first tug on his arm the corporal uses his SEVER and cuts the tentacle off. On the other side of the door Sweet reacts and shoots two rounds of scattershot at the big quid. The thing goes down in a shredded mess but some of the pellets embed themselves into the corporal’s armor too.

Corporal Takeover: (seeing the brief red indicator on his HUD) “What the helg is your problem man?”

Private Sweet: “Did you see the size of that thing!?”

Corporal Takeover: “Look dude, just get off shot and use something less peripheral ok?”

Private Sweet: “Gotcha.” The private’s MAD rifle whirs and clicks as the rocket ammo is selected.

Lieutenant Lollypoppy: (from outside the room) “Shut up and move in.”

Saturday, September 30, 2006

WHO: Ensign Weasly Hershey Krushar
WHERE: UFP Mounds...

Ensign Krushar is leaving the Entertainment Center eating his Marz bar when he thinks to himself, "Sometimes when I was serving aboard the Almond Joy, I would feel kind of crazy. Now that I'm on the Mounds, I don't. I guess sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. Come to think of it, the Almond Joy was full of weirdos and the Mounds isn't. I guess it just boils down to the fact that the Almond Joy's got nuts, the Mounds don't."

He continues on his way enjoying the last bite of his snack...

Friday, September 29, 2006

WHO: Xoltar and Xandor
WHERE: Cargo Bay, PezDispenser...

Xandor: "Are we really supposed to be doing this? The Captain said that we should be checking all ship's systems and making sure that everything is in tip-top shape."

Xoltar: "What do you think we're doing?"

Xandor: "We're playing a game of Gre-Lee!"

Xoltar: "No, no, no... We're testing the Game System Mechanics and insuring that the Cargo Bay is operating properly as a Multi-Functioning CargoSpace is designed to do!"

Xandor looks doubtfully at Xoltar but sees the sincerity on his face and decides to go along. As he turns to launch the Noogle-Ball out of his Hand-Cannon, Xoltar pumps his fist and his look of sincerity turns to a triumphant smirk as he gets Xandor to go along with his plan.

The loud boom lets him know that the Noogle-Ball is now flying through the air heading for him. He looks around trying to locate it quickly and sees it just in time and uses his Arm-Shield to deflect it back into the air and back at Xandor. Xandor easily picks up the trail of the Ball and expertly deflects it back again at Xoltar. Once again, he is just able to find the Noogle-Ball right before it hits him in the chest. He gives his Shield a slight twist and upward movement and looks in satisfaction as the Ball is deflected.

"Let Xandor deal with that!" he thinks to himself...


" next thing I know, he deflected the Noogle-Ball into a tight circle right back at own his head. Never seen anyone take a blow like that before - totally unexpected. It was pretty brutal Captain." Xoltar listens as he slowly comes back to consiousness.

Captain Rrak: "Ok Xandor, you can go now. See if you can't actually get around to checking some of those systems this time."

Xandor: "Yes Captain." And Xandor heads off.

Xoltar says groggily: "Where am I?"

Captain Rrak: "You're in the infirmary. D.O.C. says you'll be fine, but that knot on your head is going to take a while to heal. So, what exactly were you doing, Xoltar, when this injury happened?"

Xoltar: "Well you see Cap, we were testing the Game System Mechanics and insuring that the Cargo Bay was operating properly as a Multi-Functioning CargoSpace is designed to..."

Captain Rrak: "Xoltar! You're an idiot! I told the crew to check systems, NOT play games. Serves you right. Hey D.O.C., give him a sedative or something that will keep him out until we reach Nojeslott. That should keep him out of trouble."

D.O.C.: "Yes Captain."

Xoltar: "But Capta..." The sedative takes effect immediately.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

WHO: Maintenance Crew Member
WHERE: Deck 5, Suid Sidal...

Heading back to his quarters after a 9 hour shift, the maintenance crew member is glad that he will finally get some rest. Just as he's about to open his door, he feels the vibration of his paging device. He sighs in disbelief knowing that sleep is not in his immediate future, nor are dreams of his sweetheart, Elba Mae, back home on Romulos Prime.

Looking at the display screen he reads the following, "Earl, cleanup on Deck 5." And just like that, he's off to work again. He enters the maintenance lift and pushes the button for Deck 5. He prepares for another long shift by putting his earbuds in, pressing play on his EYEPODD and cranking up the volume. The lift stops, the doors open and the maintenance crew member steps out onto a slimy floor covered in some unknown liquid.

Maintenance crew member: "Eewww!!! What in the grok is that!?" he asks himself as he stares at the mess all over Deck 5. Looking around he sees severed tentacles and blood and marines and security forces. Oh man, this he was not expecting! When he signed on to serve aboard starships, he was expecting fun and adventure. Not slime and blood and goop and whatever else was on that floor. Suddenly he realizes that not only does he have to deal with the sight, but he also has to deal with the disgusting, nauseating smell that goes along with it. He pauses to put on his breathing mask and is finally ready to begin working. He puts his head down and starts up his cleaning machine. With his earbuds in, the volume at full blast and the sound of his cleaning machine, he hears nothing else.

He slowly makes progress and continues to move deeper into Deck 5 and the mess only get worse and worse. He rounds the corner heading toward the Podquid Ambassador's Suite and wonders what the podquids have been up to to create this mess... Fortunately, a great song by that new band StarDestroyer is playing and makes his work easier.

Focused on his work, he doesn't notice any of the commotion ahead of him until he is suddenly covered in Podquid brains! The force with which they hit him knock his breathing mask askew and suddenly he starts to gag. As he wipes the slime away from his eyes, he looks up to see a marine talking to an officer and lying on the ground is a headless podquid.

Suddenly realizing that the officer is Captain Pupuhed, he removes his earbuds to begin his apology for interrupting and hears, "...I want the bastard DEAD. Then I will skin him and dip him in agonizer fluids."

The poor maintenance crew member falls to his knees and begins begging for mercy. "Please Captain, I don't want to die. I didn't mean to interrupt. Please don't put me in agonizer fluids again! PLEASE!!!"
WHO: Commander Kummerbum
WHERE: H.A.G. Hole abord the SSS Slippery Elm

Communications babe: "Sir.....uh....Commander?"
Commander Kummerbum: "(zzzzzzz)...Stupid monkeys...grr...ack...huh?"
Communications babe: "Sir, we've reached the H.A.G. Hole. The doctor said that you needed to go get the cutie shot before we go in."
Commander Kummerbum: "Cutie shot? Oh yea...good job babe."

Kummerbum slips out of the mud tub and groggily makes her way to the Medical Intervention Lab in only her towel.

Elevator Pad 12: "Please choose a floor"
Commander Kummerbum: "Medical Intervention Lab Floor"
Elevator Pad 12: "Please phrase the destination in the form of an anachronism"
Commander Kummerbum: (sigh) "M.I.L.F"

Within seconds the commander is shot through a series of over dramatic tubes. Upon landing she realizes that once again the tubes have stolen her towel. Kummerbum makes a mental note to find the towel snatching gremlins. She wonders the floor until she finds the doctor sitting at a small table eating an apple.

Commander Kummerbum: “Ah, Dr. Tran I presume?”
Dr. Tran: “How did you find my village?!?”
Commander Kummerbum: “Er…you’re on the SSS Slippery Elm, doctor. I’m here for my cutie shot”
Dr. Tran: “I’m not a doctor. I’m only five years old”
Commander Kummerbum: “Oh gees…You’ve been playing around with that sapho juice again haven’t you?”
Dr. Tran: (Clears throat) “Excuse me. I was rehearsing for my new movie. Sorry, commander. Right, the cutie shot. Please turn around.”

*To be continued…uh…some more*

Monday, September 25, 2006

WHO: Captain Rrak
WHERE: Captain's Room, PezDispenser...

Captain Rrak: "So he got paid 60,000 for that job!? Those grakkin twins only promised me 30,000!"

Noze It'Al: "Well, the price only got up to 60,000 because you didn't do the job in the first place. And those twins are really out to get you. I hear Bingo wanted the job, but for some reason they hired a bounty hunter by the name of Monadnock to hunt you down. I hear he's real good too. After that botched milk run and then the 'no show' on the hogs in Gu'Rooni... Well, you understand. Sorry, I just don't have anything for you right now."

Captain Rrak: "Yeah, I understand. Thanks for the info. And remember - we never talked. Rrak out."

Captain Rrak hits the end transmission button and the display panel goes dead. Well, another job gone. His reputation as a great smuggler was quickly diappearing and he didn't have any prospects in sight. To top it off, Monadnock was after him. That was bad news indeed. But, as good as Monadnock was, Captain Rrak knew he was better...

He gets up and heads to the Galley knowing that his crew would be gathered there. He's made a decision and he wants to share it with them.

Captain Rrak: "Ok, in light of recent events - Romulons trying to kill, Feds trying to kill us, GREASERS trying to kill us, Gravity Wells trying to kill us, and let's not forget my personal favorite, Zombies trying to kill us - I think that we need a break."

The crew cheers in appreciation for being alive and even more so in anticipation of the break that they're about to get.

Captain Rrak continues after the celebrating dies down. "Like I said, I think we need a break. That's why I'm going to have Xara set us on a course for Nojeslott."

More cheering erupts as they start to think about the chance to relax on Nojeslott.

Captain Rrak waits patiently knowing that inside, he feels the same as his crew. "Ok, in the meantime, I want a full systems check of the ship and I want everything running in tip-top shape by the time we get there. Understood? Good!"

Xoltar raises his hand and speaks. "Hey Cap, that's a great idea! I think that Nojeslott is the perfect place to go. About the ship - I've been thinking about some improvements to the molecular couplings in the energy housings. Those are the housings that..."

Captain Rrak: "Yeah, Xoltar, whatever. As long as you don't use a wrench to bang on it, do whatever you like."

With that, Rrak walks away, heading back to his quarters thinking about how he is going to spend his time on Nojeslott. First, he's going to get a Rogrian slug bath - really get clean. Then he is going to have a full body Thalian massage followed by Yugamian acu-puncture. He's going to order room service of the finest delicacies and catch up on all of the episodes of "People Lost on a Mysterious Island" that he's missed. Finally, he is going to have the Entertainment Center on his ship fixed and buy all the minidiscs of the Overlords of the Dance that he could get his hands on.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

WHO: Pupuhed
WHERE: Deck 5, Suid Sidal

Pupuhed has his hands full, literally. He is grabbing a gun in one hand and struggling with a tentacle with the other. The quintaquid is not strong enough to lift the Romulon but it can certainly drag him closer. The quid wraps even more tentacles around him and ties up his torso, legs, and arm all at once. Pupuhed is revolted as he is slowly pulled towards that gaping maw lined with countless needlelike teeth.

To make matters worse, the captain has been counting his shots and he knows he only has one round left. Although the quid is badly wounded now the captain doesn't think he can kill it with his last bullet. So he holds his fire and waits. He waits for the monster to draw him nearer to it.

Pupuhed knows he will need to get real close and shoot a vital area. He surmises that the sensitive area behind one of it's ugly eyes might kill it. But it would take getting the shot placed there before he is eaten alive.

The podquid pulls the captain right up to its open mouth and looks to bite Pupuhed's face right off. At this range the smell of the thing's breath is almost unbearable. The captain uses all his strength to transfer the gun to his free arm and then places it into position right up against the side of the podquid's head.

Then the monster's head explodes.

The thing goes down in a sloppy mess and the startled captain is released. But it wasn't him who fired. As he slumps to his knees from fatigue he wipes the podquids blood from his eyes and looks around. He is relieved to see the marines have finally arrived. Lollipoppy himself is still aming the MAD rifle that killed the thing,

Pupuhed: (out of breath) "Glad you finally saw fit to make it here. Nice shot."

Lollipoppy: "Reporting as ordered captain. Where is the general?"

Pupuhed: "In this room."

Lollipoppy: (with anticipation in his voice) "Do you want him alive?"

The captain has already decided he will not take any more chances with this general who has a knack for surviving.

Pupuhed: "Pramie has probably already killed him. But if not, I want the bastard DEAD. Then I will skin him and dip him in agonizer fliuds."

The big marine smiles inside his fusion powered suit. "Done."

Lollipoppy orders the rest of the marines to take up defensive positions in the corridor as he heads towards the room Gorak is in taking three of the APEs with him.
WHO: Van, Vace & Bingo
WHERE: Planet Leche...

Vace: "Nice job bringing in that shipment from Gu'Rooni. Alvetian Space Hogs can be quite difficult to manage. 50,000 Credits, right?"

Smuggler: "Uh, actually we had said 60,000." He looks over at Van and is about to smile at the pretty girl when he notices Bingo bouncing around behind Vace. That monkey made him and everyone else nervous. "But, whatever you think is a fair price," he added quickly.

Vace: "No, no... If we said 60,000, then it's 60,000." It would have only cost 30,000 if Rrak had done the job initially. Where was Monadnock!? Why hadn't he heard anything yet. The extra 30,000 wouldn't feel so bad if he found out that Monadnock had taken care of that lousy smuggler!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

WHO: Commander Kummerbum
WHERE: The Edge of the OmegaHeat Galaxy aboard the SSS Slipery Elm

Commander Kummerbum wakes with a start in her large mud tub.

Commander Kummerbum: "Stupid monkey dream again. I really shouldn't eat before my soaks."

Lifting a dried mud encrusted claw, she presses the intercom button on the edge of the tub.

Commander Kummerbum: "Status report."
Ensin Perdido: "We are approching the H.A.G. now sir."
Commander Kummerbum: "The what?"
Ensin Perdido: "Well, we couldn't find a star gate. We found a Hyper Acceleration Gate instead. This will cut our travel time to 2 parsecs to reach the 7x8 quadrant. That will give us plenty of time to get back for your polishing appointment, sir"
Commander Kummerbum: "Exxxccceeellleent! Wake me when we arrive...(zzzzzzzzzz)"
Ensin Perdido: "Oh man...the commander fell alseep on the intercom again"
Commander Kummerbum: "(zzzzzzz)...monkeys and show tunes and poo, oh my...(zzzzzzz)"
WHO: Orange Meringue Orangutan Gang
WHERE: SSS Slipery Elm

Unknown to Commander Kummerbum, the Orange Orangutan Gang from Meringue sang.

Each one sang their Meringue slang because they felt the pang to sink their Orangutan fang.

They sang their slang and sharpened their fang and waited until their leader, Dang Tang Lang, rang.

Finally Dang Tang Lang rang and each Orangutan sprang with a bang to grab an orange boomerang.

Then flashing their fang and hoisting their 'rang they sang Meringue slang as the mischief began.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

WHO: Commander Kummerbum
WHERE: Somewhere in the OmegaHeat Galaxy aboard the SSS Slipery Elm

Chief Science officer Scorpion: " dropped this in the mud bath"

Scorpion gingerly hands a pip over to Captin Kummerbum.

Captin Kummberbum: "Oh thank you....I've been looking for that"

Captin Kummberbum rests the pip on her collar.

Captin Kummberbum: "Rank Formation! Pips Transform!"

The whole crew oooh's and aw's at the spectacular light show of the Captin's transformation into Commander Kummerbum.

Commander Kummerbum: "You know...If my pip was in the mud bath...maybe the U.I.G. Map-o-rama is in there too. Go check the mud baths. Chop chop!"

Monday, September 18, 2006

WHO: Captin Kummerbum
WHERE: Some where in the OmegaHeat Galaxy abord the SSS Slippery Elm

Communications babe: "Sir...I can't find the game scores. Just an opra of some sort."

Captin Kummerbum: "Opra? Well put it on then. I'm bored out of my gorde here."

"(hisss)...Killer toefoo... taste like dog poo... yum yum yum goes the stupoo's... eating that crap by the forkfull." "Kill that motha... kill that fatha... kill that man in the utta ship in this quadrant... kill that mutta... kill that fotta... kill... kill...kill. howdog brings down the house... yeah yeah yeah... applause goes up and howdog takes a bow."

Captin Kummerbum: "What tha? That was the worst opra I've ever....I've heard Bantha's croon better. Where is that horrid noise comming from?"

Chief tactical officer Norum: "Calculating the co-ordinates now, Sir. They seem to be in the 7x8 quadrant...We could be there in approximately 5 parsecs, Sir"

Captin Kummerbum: "Five parsecs?!? You've got to be kidding me! I can't wait five parsecs...I have a scale pollishing appointment in 3. You better find a star gate or something because I'm not about to miss my appointment"

Chief tactical officer Norum: "Uh...yes Sir. I would, but I can't seem to find where I placed that Uber Interstellar Galactica Map-o-rama."

Friday, September 15, 2006

WHO: Lollipoppy and the APEs
WHERE: Suid Sidal

The marines take a couple more casualities from the guards in the obscuring smoke, but when they are done all the guards protecting this entrance to deck 5 are now dead. But Lollipoppy doesn't take time to gloat. He knows that the other guards defending the perimeter will no doubt be here any second now.

Lollipoppy: "Men, let's move!"

Close to three dozen marines start to pour into deck 5.
WHO: Gorak
WHERE: Ambassor suite, Suid Sidal

Gorak struggles to keep his balance as he staggers into the room. Despite the pain of the kick he doesn't want to risk falling into the smelly quid water that is in puddles all around the floor.

Pramie quickly turns around and aims his weapon at the general's head. From this range he would not miss.

Just as the agent is about to pull the trigger he feels a strong tentacle grab his wrists. It is a montrous octoquid. One of the ambassor's personal guards. Gorak had asked the ambassador to place the monster in a position right inside the door.

The huge podquid lifts Pramie bodily off the floor and dangles him by his outstretch arms. The agent was holding his pistol with both hands but now the weapon is uselessly pointing at the ceiling.

Pramie: (to Gorak) "Coward! Call off this thing and fight me like a true Romulon!"

Gorak: (still gasping from the pain in his stomach) "I... have no need to fight you. I have already won. Ambassador, he is yours."

The big octoquid throws Pramie towards the pool full of podquids. But as Pramie flies through the air he does the impossible. As if in slow motion the soaring agent adjusts his body and fires two rapid shots at the general. Both find their target and strike the surprised prince in the chest.

As Pramie lands into the fetid pool and a half dozen podquid converge upon him, Gorak goes down as well, bleeding and shocked, into a smelly puddle of quidwater.
WHO: Pupuhed & Pramie
WHERE: Deck 5, Suid Sidal

"Reloading!" Pupuhed yells at Pramie as his pistol's empty load chamber suddenly snaps open. Pramie repositions himself to view both directions of the corridor at once and blasts away at the running quadquid Pupuhed just injured. This latest monster was the third podquid they saw in the span of a few short seconds. In fact, there now was another quintaquid right behind that one.

The two men were right outside the door to Gorak's room when these new podquids had suddenly appeared. They quickly got into a defensive back to back position and started to kill the things before they could get within tentacle range.

Pramie: (grim and determined) "The slimy bastards seem to be converging on us, Captain."

Pupuhed: (jamming one of the few remaining magazines into place) "You think? I can't wait to kill that Brap Du Poop."

Pramie: (blasting away) "How many of these things did you keep in that room? There can't be that many of these things left can they?"

"There aren't", came a voice from behind them. Gorak was standing in the now open doorway. He had a gun pointed at the two men.

Pramie didn't see the gun but he didn't need to in order to react with training and experience. The RHC agent was already in a defensive crouch and as soon as he hears Gorak's voice he instantly rolls backwards. As he does so he raises a leg into the air and kicks Gorak squarely in the stomach. The speed with which the agent performed the perfect backroll kick caught even Gorak by surprise. The general feels pain explode in his midsection and he takes a wild shot that completely misses both men. The force of the blow sends the prince falling backwards into the room. Pramie continues his roll and then springs to his feet in one smooth motion.

Pupuhed is just now reacting and he briefly glances at the position where Pramie once was and at the door now open behind him. But before he can do anything else the quintaquid, mere yards away now, reaches for him. Pupuhed desperately fires at it but it keeps coming.
WHO: Commander Kummerbum
WHERE: Else where, in the OmegaHeat galaxy....

"Has any one seen where I put that map?" asks chief tactical officer Norum.

"That map is bigger than a planet. I don't know how you can keep loosing it." replies science officer Scorpion.

Communications babe, "Sir, we get signal!"

Commander Kumerbum, "Main screen turn on".

"How do I use this popcorn maker?".....(hissss)

Commander Kummerbum, "What on Rilos was that?"

Communications babe, "Don't know, I was looking for the latest scores for Krom Ball.
WHO: Lt. Lollipoppy and the APEs
WHERE: Duid Sidal, corridor outside of deck 5.

Not being sprawled all over the floor like the unfortunate front lines, Lt. Lollipoppy easily swats away the few can openers that make it to him with his arm shields. But he needs to do something fast. Despite quickly magnetizing his boots against the gravity fluctuations, its only a matter of time before the security guards initiate some kind of Plan B. The lieutenant considers resorting to some explosives to put the guards on the defensive for a change.

Just then an opportunity presents itself to the marines from a most unexpected quarter. From somewhere within the ship the most horrible sound imaginable aboard a starship is heard. It is a loud awful grinding. An almost painful twisting of metal. It sounds like some part of the Suid Sidal is being ripped away and eaten. As with nails on a chalkboard magnified to a maddening degree, the entire crew is stopped and frozen in their tracks.

To reassure the stunned crew after the terrible sound is over, the science officer sends a message on the shipwide intercom. He tells them all not to worry that that was only the Romero being pulled into the gravity well, and ONLY the Romero.

Unfortunately for the security guards, they didnt hear that last part of his message. Because just prior to the noise fading out Lollipoppy (not caring what the devil that sound was) took action and used the distraction to good affect. While the security guards were still stunned he yelled out to his men, "Skirmish!" Which was a codeword for: launch obscuring gas at the enemy, close to hand to hand range as fast as possible, and slice them all down with their SEVERs.

Small technical note: a SEVER is a "Single Edged Vibrofilament Extension Rod". They are swords that are attached to the APE armor and extend out a polarized almost invisible strand of single molecule monofilament that vibrates at an optimum rate for cutting whatever material necessary. With a strong enough power to the polarization field they can cut through durasteel like butter without so much as bending. These particular models are powered by the APE armor's small fusion reactors.

The blinding gas canisters hit the guards and before then even know what is happening the marines switch to multispectrum optics and clank down the corridor with their magnetized boots. They then wade into the guards and cut them down like thinwheat stalks during a harvest on planet Idahoan. If not for the obscuring gas, the scene would be a horrid spectacle of blood and death.

Lollipoppy revels in the slaughter. He imagines every one of the guards he cleaves in two to be the single man he is after. Gorak.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

WHO: Prince Gorak
WHERE: Ambassador's Brap-Du-Poop's suite....

"General. Lost. Another." The translator on the table said.

Gorak: (realizing it was the Ambassor addressing him) "Eh? Lost who?"

Brap: "Maybe. 5. 32. Always. Aggressive. Him."

Gorak: (confused) "5, 32? What is that?"

Brap: "Offspring."

Gorak: (disinterested) "Ah. You lost podquid 5-32. Good to know. Thanks."

The prince wanted to get back to his planning when it suddently dawned on him the potential implications of what the ambassador was talking about. How did Brap Du Poop know that?

Gorak: "Ambassador. Do you mean you lost a podquid in that pool, or out in the corridor?"

After the translator farted out Gorak's msg, it soon translated the reply, "Corridor."

Gorak: "That a fact... how do you know that? Are you communicating with them?"

Brap: "No. Feel. It."

The general saw some potential here...

Gorak: "Ambassador, can they sense you as well?"

Brap: "Yes. Know. When. I. Danger. Or. Need. Them."

Gorak: (smiling now) "Excellent. Tell the ones in the corridor you need them. Call all of them here."

Outside in the corridor Pupuhed and Pramie were stepping over the fearsome remains of the quintaquid they had just killed.

Pramie: "Sure is fortunate these things don't hunt in packs, Sir."

Pupuhed: "Definately."
WHO: Lt. Lollipoppy and the APE Marines
WHERE: Suid Sidal, Outside Deck 5

The security guards killed all power to decks 4 and 6, and locked all the pressure bulkheads along the way. Even so, the marines finally smash their way to the entrance of deck 5.

They are greeted by some well entrenched guards who have been expecting them. The marines are on one end of a long corridor and the security guards are on the other hiding behind some hastily erected durasteel blast shields.

Although the marines have some pretty heavy explosive armament, they were ordered to use them as a last resort since Pupuhed and Pramie are somewhere nearby. Instead they lay down a barrage of armor piercing fire that radically dents the durasteel and even penetrates it in places killing a few unlucky and lightly armored guards.

As the durasteel continues to take a pounding the guards initiate Plan A and suddenly all the artificial gravity on the marines's side of the corridor goes haywire.

First it repels the front line of marines and smashes them into the ceiling. Then it kicks in again at double normal power and smashes them back into the floor panels so hard that they buckle and almost cave in under the weight.

At that moment the leader of the guards yells "Fire!" and all the guards pop out from behind their shields and fire Can Opener rounds at the fallen marines.

The Can Opener ammunition strike the APE body armor of the staggered marines at multiple locations and adhere to it. After that, like the very GREASERS the ship was just saved from, the ammunition seems to come to life and with a low drilling sound begin to bore inward towards the flesh and blood marine inside.

The marines try and knock off the little drills, but they are too fast and too many. When the little drills breach the armor they all explode each with the same destructive power of an excavation squib that Gorak had used earlier.

Needless to say the marines attacked in this manner go down for good and the entire front line of marines is eliminated. The first round goes to the guards.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

WHO: Monadnock
WHERE: Cockpit, Eikniwt...

Monadnock checked his scanners and realized that he was not where he intended to be. That hyperdrive malfunctioned more often that not - that's why he used it so infrequently. Unfortunately, that encounter with the GREASERS had required its use.

Nevermind, Monadnock would eventually get to quadrant 7x9 and to Rrak. If he was gone by the time Monadnock got there, he would track him someplace else. Rrak was good by all accounts, but Monadnock knew he was better...
WHO: Monadnock
WHERE: Cockpit, Eikniwt...

Monadnock checks his scanners and monitors and realizes that it's the GREASERS! Most people would try to run and that would be their mistake. Monadnock grins, turns his ship toward the swarm and sets his thrusters to max.

He'd been looking for an opportunity to get back at those GREASERS. They'd destroyed his last ship - fortunately he wasn't on it at the time. But he had a little surprise for them this time.

Monadnock brought the torpedo bays online and prepped the missles. The GREASERS would feast now but pay later...

He had to time this just right. By increasing his speed toward the swarm, they in turn increased their speed toward him. He was bringing them into his trap nicely. The gap between them was closing quickly.

Like a dancer executing his steps in perfect time, Monadnock fired the missles - six in all - traveling at the same velocity as the Eikniwt. They came to life giving off strong energy signals. However, they wouldn't be strong enough to distract the GREASERS from his ship.

With little room left before he reached the GREASERS, he fired max left thrusters and threw his ship into a hard right turn. Immediately he shut down all systems and winked out of existence as far as the GREASERS were concerned. His environmental suit would have to protect him briefly.

Momentum kept the Eikniwt drifting, while the signal of the missles attracted the GREASERS since their former prey was no longer registering on their scanners.

Monadnock let the ship drift until he knew that he was far enough away from the GREASERS that they wouldn't be able to catch him. He brought his systems back to life and began accelerating. The GREASERS caught his signal again and were about to pursue when he went into hyperspace and winked out of existence once more.

The GREASERS were left only with the missles which were giving off such an alluring energy signal. They began feasting on the small "meal" that was available to them.


Monadnock comes out of hyperspace pleased with his work. By now, the GREASERS would have completely devoured those missles he left behind for them. What they didn't know was that those missles contained a virus. Any new GREASERS that were made from those missles were infected and they would in turn attack the swarm and spread the virus. The GREASERS would soon turn into a swarm of predators engaged in an endless cycle of attacking themselves.
WHERE: Some unknown sector in space...

Suddenly the GREASERS pick up a faint source of power in the distance. The entire swarm vibrates seemingly with excitement as it turns and heads towards the new target at a frightening pace.

In the distance, on the board Eikniwt, Monadnock's scanners suddently come to life. It shows a large mass of... something... heading his way at a pace he doesn't think he can outrun.
WHERE: Some unknown sector in space...

The GREASERS suddenly emerged at a high rate of speed from... nowhere.

They had been heading for the edge of the Gravity Well when it had stopped spinning but it collapsed before they could escape. Where were they now? Their scanners did not reveal much.

With nothing else to do, they switched to survival mode to use as little power as possible and began a slow search for "food"...
WHO: Captain Rrak
WHERE: PezDispenser...

Zormy and Finch are beamed off of the PezDispenser.

Captain Rrak: "Man those red shirts are stubborn! Those guys are actually going back to stop the Romero from imploding! Xara, get us out of here."

Xara: "What heading Cap?"

Captain Rrak: "Well, I can't imagine that our shipment in Gu'Rooni is any good now, but let's go that way anyway until we figure out our options."

Xara: "Ok Cap. Course set."

Captain Rrak over the intercom: "Attention. The film 'The Demise of the GREASERS' will begin shortly on the nearest monitor that you can find."

Captain Rrak goes over to the control panel and punches in some commands. He then heads to his quarters where the screen is just coming to life showing a view of the Gravity Well.

Well, it was a dangerous and crazy mission, but Prince Gorak's plan worked after all. As he stared at the screen, he could see the GREASERS trapped motionless at the core of the well. That looked like a nice place for them. Just at that moment, the well ceased spinning and the GREASERS immediately began moving again! They didn't waste anytime making their escape. They started driving toward the opening of the well as quickly as they could. Captain Rrak started to get a sickening feeling in his gut - he didn't think the PezDispenser could stand another attack from those GREASERS. Suddenly, the well started to shrink. He heaved a sigh of relief as he realized that the well was shrinking at a rate faster than the GREASERS could reach the edge. In fact, the well was becoming more and more difficult to see on the screen. Captain Rrak zoomed the image until finally, the well winked out of existence and the GREASERS were no more.

He wondered what happened to them. Did they live in a trapped state within the collapsed well? Did they actually get destroyed? Oh well, he'd probably never find out...
WHO: Monadnock
WHERE: Cockpit, Eikniwt...

Monadnock was reviewing his data one last time. All indicators pointed to quadrant 7x9. He couldn't believe that Rrak was dumb enough to go back there. It was such an obvious place to find him. Then again, Monadnock had completely overlooked it in the first place just for that reason.

All that time wasted just to end at the place that he should have started. He would learn from this mistake - and so would Rrak. Monadnock had hated school and hated learning things... He prized himself as more of a teacher than a student.

His path as a bounty hunter had been set ever since he eliminated that teacher who had ridiculed him. Mr. Ratchet never should have made an example out of him for his failed attempt to build a nanoreactive drive chamber in shop class.

Well, enough reminiscing. It was time to set a course for 7x9.
WHO: Prince Gorak
WHERE: Suid Sidal...

Gorak thanks the ambassador for the wonderful time and bids him a fond farewell. He tells him he has a rogue captain to kill and mutinous crew to put down, no time for chit chat.

He carefully makes it through all the spilt slime water on the floor. (He Doesn't want to get his luxurious slippers wet with the stuff.) When he reaches the door that leads to the corridor he reaches over to unlock and open it.

Then his commlink beeps. Someone is messaging him. Again.

Gorak: (more to himself than to the podquid ambassador) "By all the GODS, I am out of the shower and people STILL keep calling me."

He angrily pauses to read it, not realizing that this call could quite possibly have just saved his life. It was a text message from yeoman Glarissa.

She tells him that Pupuhed and someone by the name of Pramie are on the move in the corridor and out to kill him.

"Imagine that," thinks Gorak.

She also tells him that the engineer on the bridge is on Pupuhed's side and has been helping him and feeding him information.

"Imagine THAT", Gorak thinks.

When he is done, Gorak doesn't really believe the yoeman. He still doesn't trust her because of that trap she led him into. He thinks this message might be a delaying tactic to keep him there while the marines get to him.

But, no sense taking any chances. Gorak calls the bridge and has them put the engineer under arrest and removed from the bridge. He then makes final plans with them and tells them that he might be a little late in joining up with them.
WHO: Captain Pupuhed and Auflehnung auf Pramie
WHERE: Corridor of Deck 5...

When Pupuhed sees the shape the corridor is in he is aghast. It's a mess. Burnt walls, dead bodies, blood, and slime are everywhere. Pupuhed cannot believe all this for a single general. He also can't believe that he allowed himself to underestimate the prince twice in a row now. The first time when he unexpectly lost command of the ship, and the second time when he attempted to toy with Gorak instead of just killing him outright. But the time for toying has long since past. Pupuhed doesn't intend to give the lucky prince any more chances.

Pupuhed: (looking around and picking up a fallen handgun) "By the vengeful war gods, how can one man do all this? "

Pramie: "Well, there were the podquids too. With standard sidearms it was a difficult fight."

Pupuhed: "Well, those men lost to the podquids because they must have allowed the quids to get in tentacle range."

Pramie: "It wasn't like they had much of a choice, the door opened and..."

Pupuhed: "Regardless, we need to kill any we see before it gets close enough to grab us. Fortunately, I hear they don't hunt in packs. They should be all spread out on deck 5. Ah. Like that on there..."

At the other end of the corridor a fast moving quintaquid came dashing towards them. The two men took quick aim and fired. Although the weapons were designed to be low caliber in order to protect the ship's bulkheads and equipment, the rapid succession of accurate shots did their job. Under the stinging barrage the quintaquid recoiled then staggered back and fell in a sloppy mess of tentacles and slime. Pramie kept firing until it stopped moving.

Pramie: "I dislike those things. Why you keep them on board is beyond me, Sir. "

Pupuhed: (smiling) "Well, they were most entertaining."

Pramie: "No doubt. Why is it that they aren't eating all these dead bodies?"

Pupuhed: "Well for one thing, they like to eat fresh meat that they themselves killed. And for another, they won't eat the whole bodies, only choice organs. Like I said, entertaining."

The two men cautiously continue down the corridor towards the suite Gorak is in. They pick up more magazines for the pistols along the way. As they approach the door they both have their weapons trained on it, ready to shoot anything that might step out of the room.
WHO: Captain Rrak
WHERE: PezDispenser...

Captain Rrak sends Xoltar and Xandor to the engine room to make sure that everything is in order for them to get off the Suid Sidal. "And Xoltar, let me remind you of what will happen if you break or mistreat my ship - out the airlock you go, without a suit." He shoots Xoltar a smile and then makes his way to the cockpit. As he enters, he sees the back of a Fed in a red shirt talking to someone from his crew.

Red shirt: "... Well Capt. Rrak what do you say?"

Captain Rrak to red shirt: "Who are you talking to? I'm Captain Rrak. I introduced myself to you earlier in the holding bay."

The Feds in the red shirts turn around looking a little confused.

Captain Rrak: "Nevermind. It doesn't matter what you said. Xara, we need to get out of here fast! The Romero over there has begun it's imploding sequence. I don't know how strong it's going to be but I don't want to be here to find out. Any word from the Suid Sidal on our departure?"

Xara: "The holding bay doors started opening as soon as the last of you came on board."

Captain Rrak: "Good! Ok, take us out of here."

Captain Rrak to red shirts: "You men have my thanks for helping us out back there. I don't know what your plan was, but it doesn't matter now. The Romero is going to implode and we can't do anything about that. Once we leave the Suid Sidal, you can beam back to your ship and I can be on my way. What do you say to that?"
WHO: Captain Rrak
WHERE: Holding Bay, Suid Sidal...

Captain Rrak saw Paddle Bottom, "mad" Rodolfo, Calo, Tavringer and two men with red shirts make inside the PezDispenser. As he, Xandor and Xoltar are running back to the ship, he can feel the pull behind him getting stronger - the Romero was starting to implode!

Captain Rrak: "Xoltar! Xandor! Lighten your loads!"

Each member of Team Beta starts to unstrap and drop their weapons. Xoltar looks sad as he drops his sword though...

Now unencumbered, the three of them move toward the PezDispenser with much more ease. However, their chainsaw, whipchain, pressure washer, crossbow, cutting-machine and sword quickly start sliding away from them, across the holding bay floor, toward the imploding Romero.

Captain Rrak, Xoltar and Xandor finally make it back to the ship just as they feel the tug of the Romero ready to overwhelm them...
WHO: Prince Gorak
WHERE: Suid Sidal...

Back in Gorak's room, the prince is finally ready to leave... but then gets a message from the intercom again. Gorak sighs and opens the channel. It's the bridge.

Comm Officer: "Lord Gorak, the captain of the PezDispenser is requesting permission to leave. They would like the hangar doors opened. Uh, hold, sir..."

The science officer comes on sounding a bit worried.

Sci Off: "Captain. I think I now know why the Pez crew seem to be in a most urgent hurry to leave the hangar sir. From what I can tell they failed to shut the well systems down properly. In a short while the unbalanced gravity fluctuations are going implode upon themselves.... taking the Romero with them."

Gorak: "Will it destroy the GREASERS and will it harm the Suid Sidal?"

Sci Off: "Hard to say captain without having the figures in front of me." (He is lying. Even if he had the GWG figures in front of him, he wouldnt know) "But the imposion should take out the GREASERS and that it should be isolated to the Romero only. Uh, best guess sir."

Gorak: "Damn, those idiots are going to destroy my GWG. With those fed ships still out there I had such good plans for it. Well, even though I am pissed at them, they did do their jobs. Open the doors and let them go. If the implosion causes severe and irrepairable damage to us, destroy the PezDispenser after she leaves. And uh, tell Rrak thanks for nothing when you do. If the imposion doesn't harm us, tell Rrak I want to personally thank him and reward him for a job well done. I am on my way there now."
WHO: Captain Pupuhed
WHERE: Suite, Suid Sidal...

As Pupuhed and Pramie are about to leave the room they hear the happy announcement on the ship's PA that the GREASERS are all off the ship. The captain pauses and looks at the yoeman with a smirk on his face.

Pupuhed: "See? I am not so crazy after all. Although I do admit.... I am quite amazed that those scavengers even know how to operate a GWG. Well, good for them, but it would have still been interesting to see the zombies feed on them. Hopefully when this is all over, that might still happen."

Glarissa: "Uh, yes, my captain. Looks like you had it all under control, as I suspected you would."

Pupuhed: (unsure whether that was sarcasm or not) "I will deal with you later. For now you stay put. I wouldn't want you to get accidently hurt. Be thankful I like you, or I would have delt with you already in the most harshest of ways." (To Pramie) "Let's make haste. Gorak will not doubt be anxious to get back to the bridge by now."

From Glarissa's point of view, she sees the two men open the door carefully and peek outside. Then Pramie darts out first with Pupuhed close behind him. As soon as the door closes again, she gets up quickly and makes her way over the dead bodies to the workstation. From there, she contacts Gorak with some urgent news.
WHO: Prince Gorak
WHERE: Suid Sidal...

The prince gingerly tip-toes through the spilt podquid slime and walks over to get a towel. He contacts Lieutenant Lollipoppy of the marines on the vanity's intercom as he dries himself.

Gorak: "Lieutenant, this is general Az'Ibulon speaking. From what I can tell, it looks like you and your boys are on your way here to kill me. Am I correct?"

Lollipoppy: (amused that the general is even calling him) "That all depends on the resistance you give us general. We have orders to capture you and use all force necessary. Give yourself up and we won't have to use lethal force."

Gorak: "Son, are you aware that my rank as general was in the marines, the very corps you now serve?"

Lollipoppy: "Yes. I have read all about you, sir. I know you quit the marines after many successful campaigns because, let me see, you got tired of taking orders and doing the same thing all the time. So you pulled some powerful strings, became a captain in the navy, and got yourself your own starship so you can be more independant and be the guy who runs the ship your on for a change. Well, this isn't your ship, captain. It belongs to Pupuhed. Your ship got blown up real good, I hear."

Gorak: (checking his teeth in the mirror) "Son, I'm real busy right now, and I know threats won't phase you, so let me get to the point. What will it take for you to get off my back and back in line?"

Lollipoppy: "A direct order from CAPTAIN Pupuhed."

Gorak: (drying his hair) "Fine, lieutenant. Come get me then."

The prince closes the connection with the marine and opens a new one with the security guard Master Chief. He informs him that the marines are on the way. After a short pause the chief informs Gorak that it's been a long and heated debate on who would win in a fight between the two forces. There is no love between the marines and the security guards. The chief sounds confident when he says they control the ship and they have the superior numbers.

Gorak: (getting dressed in the best he could find, expensive loungewear and slippers.) "Good man, Master Chief. Maintain position around deck 5. I'll be there shortly so you and your men can escort me to the bridge."

WHO: Captain Rrak
WHERE: Holding Bay, Suid Sidal...

Captain Rrak knows Paddle Bottom and "mad" Rodolfo well enough to know that their hasty retreat back to the ship means bad news.

Captain Rrak: "Xoltar let's get those power cables unhooked. The rest of you start making your way back to the ship - the quicker, the better, I think." Captain Rrak and Xoltar meet up with Xandor again and unhook, the power cables. "Xara, the power cables are ready to go. Please recoil them to the ship."

Captain Rrak, Xoltar and Xandor follow the others back the PezDispenser with their weapons in tow. To their left, the cables are being coiled back onto the ship. Suddenly, there is a strange feeling behind them. They turn to see the space around the Romero start to shimmer, almost like the air does on a hot day. Then they begin to feel a slight pull toward the Romero.

Captain Rrak turns toward the PezDispenser: "Everyone run as fast as you can!" He figures that small objects, like himself and the others are vulnerable, but the size of the PezDispenser should keep them safe. He hopes that he's right...
WHO: Xara
WHERE: Cockpit, PezDispenser...

Xara: "PezDispenser to Suid Sidal. GWG mission accomplished. Captain Rrak requests that you prepare to open holding bay doors once all personel are inside the ship. We thank you for your hospitality - we're ready to go now..."
WHO: Captain Rrak
WHERE: Holding Bay, Suid Sidal...

Captain Rrak and Xoltar finish up with the rest of the zombies that were surrounding the juggler. After getting his name, they begin moving toward the portly gypsy, who in any other circumstances could pass as a roofing contractor. They see two Feds in red shirts finishing off some zombies around him as well.

Captain Rrak and Xoltar approach the group: "Greetings! I'm Captain Rrak. Pleasure to meet you. Nice job finishing off those zombies. I don't know how you men plan to get off this ship, but if anyone needs a ride, I plan on high tailing back to the PezDispenser over there and getting out of here one way or another... I've had just about as much as I can take of these Romulons."

With that, he turns and walks away. Captain Rrak doesn't waste any time. "Team Gamma, this is Team Beta. It's time to say our goodbyes whether they want to hear them or not. When you give the signal that the GWG is shut down, we will disconnect the power cables. Let's meet back at the PezDispenser as soon as we can after that."

Captain Rrak: "Xara, we should be heading back to the ship soon. Get her ready. Let Prince Gorak or whoever is in charge at the moment know that we are ready to go and thank them for their hospitality." Captain Rrak thinks to himself 'And if they don't let us go willingly, we'll just blast our way out...'
WHERE: Space...

Out in space the GREASERS were following the spinning tip of the well. The unbalanced center was not presenting a good enough bait for them and so they continued to chase the off kilter epicenter around the rim .

Suddenly, with a large explosive flash, a nuclear detonation takes place right in the path of the GREASERS. The swarm is scattered in all directions in a chaotic mess.

The shock waves of the explosion jolts the entire gravity funnel down to it's core and for a moment it looks like it's about to shake itself apart uncontrollably. The entire artificial construct rocks and teeters like a bubble about to burst.

Then, amazingly, the wobbling starts to slow down and the well begins to assume a new shape. A more round one. In a few seconds the outside of the well forms a perfect circle that seems to almost lock into place with its own spinning centrifugal motion. The well becomes perfectly aligned.

The reforming insect swarm is immediately drawn to it. As they gather together around it they begin to spiral down towards the bottom. The lower they go the harder the gravity pulls on them until they reach the core, form a tight solid mass, and remain motionless.

The tough little bugs can't escape the strong gravity but they are not dead. They are suviving tolerances that would have crushed most other things. However, all that remains to kill them is a final signal sent from the Romero to have the well implode upon itself.
WHO: Captain Pupuhed
WHERE: Executive Suite, Suid Sidal...

A few minutes ago in the executive suite containing Pupuhed, Pramie, and Glarissa...

Pramie: "So is Az'Ibulon still in Brap Du Poop's room?"

Pupuhed: "Yes. The engineer tells me that he is still communicating with the bridge from there."

Pramie: "Odd that he should remain there."

Pupuhed: "It's not odd. He is slime and he feels right at home with slime. He is probably bathing in podquid filth right now. But this is good news for us. Listen Pramie. We need to keep him there."

Pramie: "It's a vulnerable position for him."

Pupuhed: "Yes. If the fool stays there, the security guards will have to guard multiple entrances to deck 5. The marines will have an even easier time getting through those mutinous dogs. I wonder if the general knows that he needs to get to a more defensable location."

Pramie: "This guy, he knows."

Pupuhed: "Quite. Which is why we need to prevent him from leaving deck 5 after he is done with his slime bath. We need to get out there and block his retreat, Pramie. Podquids or no."

Pramie: "Well, we have only this one handgun at the moment. First order of business would be to secure some weapons from the dead crewmembers outside." (Thinks of the carnage in the corridor) "By the gods, what a mess. This prince must die."

Pupuhed: "Dying is too good for him. I want to skin him alive and then dip him in Agonizer fluids. Are you finished giving the lieutenant his intructions?"

Pramie: "Yes. And I offer my services as skinner, captain."

Pupuhed: (Manages a wicked smile as he forces his battered body to stand up stiffly) "Let's do this then..."

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

WHO: Captain Rrak
WHERE: Holding Bay, Suid Sidal...

Captain Rrak and Xoltar can't do anything for the first gypsy they see. The zombies there are feasting like they're at an all you can eat buffet. Instead, they keep running toward the ones who still have a chance.

As they start to catch up, Captain Rrak sees a very fit gypsy ahead but wonders to himself, "Why is he juggling instead of running? Perhaps he thinks that entertaining the zombies like Paddle Bottom did will distract them..." The thought is cut off as he sees the juggler go down. He hears him yell to his companion, "TAV, CATCH!"

Captain Rrak decides that he's not about to lose another gypsy to these zombies. He lets out a primal scream as he speeds up and lets his whip chain spin. He slices the hand off the zombie that had a hold of the gypsy's ankle. He then goes for the head. Meanwhile, Xoltar finally catches up and starts to hack away at more zombies that are closing in.

Captain Rrak turns toward to portly gypsy who is further ahead and yells, "Run, Tav, run!!!"
WHO: Captain Rrak
WHERE: Holding Bay, Suid Sidal...

As Xoltar, Xandor and Captain Rrak are standing guard at the pwoer cables, they hear noise coming from the directiont that Team Gamma entered the Romero. When they look over, rather than seeing Paddle Bottom and Rodolfo, they notice a group of men dressed, strangely enough, as gypsies.

Xandor: "Hey, what are a bunch of gypsies doing here!? Oh my Thod! The zombies are attacking them!!!"

Captain Rrak: "Enough talking! Let's get over there and help them out! Xandor, you stay here and guard these cables!"

With that, Captain Rrak pulls out his whip chain and starts running toward the gypsies. Xoltar pulls out his sword and follows...
WHO: Prince Gorak
WHERE: Suid Sidal...

The prince was cleaning soap of his ears when the intercom came on. It was the science officer again. "My lord, have more news for you."

Gorak: "Go on."

Sci Off: "We are registering a gravity well off the port side. The Pez crew have done it sir!"

Gorak: (hesitant) "And the GREASERS?"

Sci Off: "They reformed into a swarm and are being attracted by the well sir. They are off the ship!"

Gorak: "Well, I'll be. It worked. Those Pez guys really did it, eh? Amazingly smart civilians there. About time something went ri...."

Sci Off: "A moment my lord...something new coming in....

Gorak: "..."

Sci Off: "General, the gravity well is unstable and is slowly spiralling out of control. As the tip of the malformed egg shape comes around, like now...."

Gorak notices the water coming from the shower head lean slightly towards the port side at a angle. He then feels himself being pulled towards one side. It's a strange feeling of strong vertigo, like begin on a sideways rollercoaster.

Sci Off: "... we will experience gravity surges. Eventually, if not stabilized, we can all be sucked into the well and crushed."

Gorak: "Damn it. I hope those civilian morons know what they are doing. Keep me posted, I need to rinse off now. Wait, what's that smell? Oh no..."

Gorak peeks outside the shower and sees that the bathroom floor is being flooded by offensive podquid water that the gravity spike pulled out of their pool.

Gorak: "By the GODS....I have to go for now Science Officer. No wait, weren't the fed ships off the port side?"

Sci Off: "Why, yes, general."

Gorak: "Goooooood. Carry on."
WHERE: Suid Sidal, Port Side

Out in space the GREASERS started to pick up a large source of gravity forming off of the Suid Sidal's port side. Their programming told them that where there is gravity there was mass, lots of it. Even more than the ship they were currently consuming.

They started to slide off the ship's hull and form a large column pointed towards the gravity well. As the damaged hull came into view the Suid Sidal looked very different now. It's outer skin was almost completely removed. Exposed armored plates, rigging, and conduits could be seen all around the ship.

Although the warbird was intact and could still hold together if the GREASERS had been allowed to continue their progress for just a short while longer massive decompression would have begun all around the outer decks. The gravity well was activated with very little time to spare.

When the forming column of GREASERS contained the now somewhat larger swarm it disconnected itself from the Suid Sidal and headed towards the artificial gravity well. All around the Romulon ship people who has been monitoring the progress of the bugs let out a cheer of relief. Their ship was finally rid of the destructive insects and they would all be spared a horrible death.

Meanwhile, however, the gravity well itself continued fluctuate out of shape and its instability grew...

Monday, September 11, 2006

WHO: Lieutenant Lollipoppy of the Suid Sidal's marines
WHERE: Barracks...

Lieutenant Lollipoppy, the leader of the Suid Sidal's marines, was a 10 year veteran. Although he intensely disliked having this mysterious Pramie character tell him what to do, he knew how to follow orders.

The lieutenant hoped that Pramie was an RHC Operative, as he suspected. and not just some clown that Pupuhed made friends with during a drunken bout of Pass the Brainkill. He particularly didn't like how Pramie once made an offhand remark on how close Lollipoppy seemed to be with his 4 staff sergeants. It was nobody's business anyway.

But this general Az'Ibulon was another matter. Lollipoppy read up on Gorak as soon as he came on board and he wanted nothing more than to add the capture of the famous general to his resume.

The lieutenant slid one hand into an APE suit manipular arm and the other into a Multi Ammo Delivery rifle. The two extensions on his arms now made the Ape solider look even more simian like. As he cycled thru the diagnostic systems, he was satisfied to see he now had a wide range of munitions locked and loaded.

Lollipoppy always enjoyed the feeling of power he had at moments like this and a small smile crossed his lips. "Marines, fall in. We are going on a royal hunt today. Yessir, it's open season on pampered princes today."
WHO: Prince Gorak
WHERE: Suid Sidal...

As Gorak scrubbed himself down he thought of the opposition that lay ahead. The marines would certainly prove to be a problem. Although he had the ship's environmental controls on his side, the marines were designed to infiltrate and take over enemy starships. It was there job to be unstoppable in situations such as this.

With their APE (Armored Power Equipment) suits, the best environmental tricks thrown at the marines would only slow them down. In fact, airless vacuums, poisonous gasses, high temperatures, low temperatures, flooding, electrified floors, and locked bulkheads would only serve to piss them off.

To make matters worse, Gorak knew that Pupuhed had a full four squads on board. That's 40 heavily armed Apes heading his way. Oh damn, he got soap in his eyes...
WHO: Captain Rrak
WHERE: Holding Bay, Suid Sidal...

As Xandor stood guard, Captain Rrak and Xoltar began connecting their power cables.

Xoltar: "You know, this reminds me of a movie I saw one time. These guys had a desperate mission to accomplish and all around they were surrounded by enemies. They were low on ammunition and there wasn't much hope. But they were brave and strong."

Xandor: "Oh yeah? So, how did they survive?"

Xoltar: "Oh, they didn't. They were slaughtered by the enemy. Not a single survivor. And they didn't die quickly either. Their enemies took their time and dismembered them while they were still alive."

Captain Rrak with irritation in his voice: "Xoltar, why are you telling us this story?"

Xoltar: "Well, like I said, this reminds me of that movie."

Captain Rrak: "Well, this reminds me of a story too. These three guys had an important mission to accomplish, but one of them wasn't so bright so he didn't make it. The other two guys survived and didn't mind too much about the third guy because, as I said before, he wasn't too bright... You understand?"

Xoltar: "Yeah. But it would be a real shame if something happened to Xandor while we were out here."

Captain Rrak: "Xoltar. Shut up and get your cable connected."

With that, Captain Rrak finished connecting his negative cable to the Romero. He turned around and saw Xoltar complete his connection of the positive cable as well.

Captain Rrak to Team Gamma: "Ok Team Gamma, the power cables are connected. I'm going to have Xara power up the PezDispener again. Whenever you guys are ready, you can turn on the GWG."

Captain Rrak to Xara: "Ok Xara, we're all set out here. Fire her up."

Xara: "Sure thing Cap. I hope that Team Gamma gets that GWG operating soon. I've managed to hack into the Suid Sidal's systems and things don't look too good on that end either. Let's just say that the GREASERS need to be dealt with soon..."

Thursday, August 03, 2006

WHO: Xandor
WHERE: Holding Bay, Suid Sidal...

As Xandor keeps watch he finally thinks to look at the volume remaining guage on his acid washer. He notices the meter reads that he has only 2 more squeezes. Maybe three.
WHO: Captain Rrak
WHERE: Holding Bay, Suid Sidal...

Team Beta reached the Romero without any more incident. The zombies must have been busy elsewhere.

Xandor turned around to face the way they had come, his back to the hull of the Romero. With his power washer at the ready, he stood guard for Captain Rrak and Xoltar.

Xoltar laid his positive cable on the ground and began unstrapping the weapons from his back. "Hey that wasn't so bad. Too bad I didn't get to use my sword."

Captain Rrak suddenly reached over and pulled Xoltar's sword free. First he thrusted, then swung the sword over Xoltar's bent frame. Xoltar dropped to ground afraid that his captain was angry with his comment and was going to use the sword on him.

Captain Rrak dropped the sword in front of Xoltar and nodded his head toward a spot behind Xoltar. Somehow a zombie had hidden in an opening in the hull. Now a headless zombie lay on the ground.

Captain Rrak to Xoltar: "Not so bad, eh? You may not have gotten to use your sword, but I did. Keep your eyes open next time. Now, let's get these cables connected."
WHO: Prince Gorak
WHERE: Suid Sidal...

Gorak is in the shower getting himself clean of the slimy and smelly water that the podquids call home. Ever since the ambassador mentioned that they don't use restrooms the prince is somewhat nauseated when he considers what he fell into. He thinks to himself that he doesn't much care if the Suid Sidal's entire contingent of fully armed marines were heading towards him at this very moment. He is taking a bath and getting clean clothes.

Just then the automated alarms started blaring over the ship's PA speakers, "Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! The ship has been compromised at multiple locations.”

Suddenly the shower water gets COLD and Gorak jumps back surprised and annoyed.

Gorak: (thinking to himself) "What the Helg?! That’s a pretty idiotic intruder contingency that moron Pupuhed has programmed. We wouldn’t want any intruders taking hot baths I suppose. Wonder what other innane contingencies that fool has set up?”

Then his face drops and he says out loud, “Oh no.”

The prince immediately uses the shower stall’s intercom to call the bridge.

Gorak: “Science officer, I hear the alarms and can surmise that's the GREASERS. But tell me, what is the status of the marines?”

Sci Off: “I was just about to contact you, sir! I fear that the intruder alarm has freed all their weapons! The captain must have previously programmed that on his own. I never even knew about it.”

Gorak: “Damn. If he has given them this kind of leeway he must really trust them. It is as I feared. What are they doing?”

Sci Off: (Looks at his shipwide monitors) “They appear to be donning their full environmental powered armor, gathering all their guns and armaments, and forming battle formations. Looks like a most unfortunate situation, my lord! What shall we do?”

Gorak: “We wait for me to finish this cold bath.”

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

WHO: Captain Pupuhed
WHERE: Ambassador's Suite, Suid Sidal...

Glarissa: (startled) "OH! Is that what you are doing?? Letting the GREASERS in?? Are you mad? Uh, my captain. Sir."

Pupuhed: "Mad? HAHAHAHAHA. It has been said. But not this time. I happen to know how things work on MY ship. HAHAHAHAHA.."

Sure enough, the engineer finally manages to put together a method to take down the hull polarization without alerting anyone, especially that nosey science officer. With the hull now laid bare, the GREASERS commence their work unfettered now. Within seconds they breech the outer hull.

Immediately, alarms go off all over the bridge. The ship is automatically placed on Intruder Compromised status. Which, among other things, unlocks all the weapons lockers in the marines barracks.

Pramie: (over the barrack’s intercom) "Boys, as you can see. It’s show time. Get your gear and get to deck 5B. And I do mean all the men. And all the gear."
WHO: Prince Gorak
WHERE: The other ambassador suite, Suid Sidal...

Meanwhile, at the other ambassador suite, the podquids finished shredding what remained of Pramie’s men and moved on in search of more food. Gorak looked at the carnage, kicked some body parts away from threshhold, and locks the door again.

Gorak: "By my ancestors, that was very impressive ambassador. But, I am afraid your, uh, boys took some casualties as well…and make take even more before this is done."

The ambassador burped and farted his response from somewhere within the writhing mass of his personal attendant podquids that remained behind.

Translator: "Not. Problem. Water. Getting. Crowded. Fun. Making. More. Soldiers."

Gorak: (smiling) "Indeed. If you don’t mind ambassador, I am going to help myself to your first aid kit and then take a shower in the restroom."

Translator: "We. Not. Use. Restroom. All. Yours."

Gorak calls the bridge first and tells them to pull back the security guards or else they will be attacked by podquids. Instead, he wants the guards to block off deck 5B. Detain anyone trying to get in or out of it and to use lethal force if necessary. Gorak also expresses concerns about the marines. He doesn’t trust their part in all this. The science officer assures them that the marines are still in Stand Off status and only the current captain, Gorak, can release their weapons.

Gorak is satisfied and goes off to take his shower.
WHO: Captain Pupuhed
WHERE: Ambassadors's Suite, Suid Sidal...

Pupuhed is sitting at the suite’s workstation. Ironically, the same workstation that Gorak used to plot his takeover.

Pupuhed: "Podquids you say?? Why that lousy Brap-Du-Poop. After all the times I over fed him and his slimy crew and allowed them to breed rampantly. Dammit, now we definately need some reinforcements." (He starts to type furiously at the keyboard.) "Bastard. The captain of the guard is still giving me that 'I only serve whoever is in charge' crap. Best I could do was to slow him down somewhat from getting here."

On the other side of the room Yeoman Clarissa wakes up. Luckily for Pupuhed, the pheromoan has worn off. She shakes her said and notices the men in the room.

Glarissa: "Oh, my captain! You are well. I am so pleased. Has Gorak been captured then?"

Pupuhed: "Figures you would ask about him. If I didn’t know better I would say you have something for this prince. I still don’t believe you that you tried your best to keep him occupied when I sent you to see him. "

Clarissa: "Oh, but I di...."

Pupuhed: "Silence now. I am busy."

Pramie: "My captain, give me the marines now. I know they can take the general out."

"No, I will not make their loyalties known until they are fully armed. I know the marines can take the podquids out using only secondary weapons. But it’s the fully armed security guards I am worried about. The marines wouldn’t make it here before they do. On top of that, remember Gorak also has the majority of the bridge crew with access to the environmental controls. No. We need to stick to the plan. The marines need their main weapons. We must wait just a little longer. Speaking of which, let me check in to see how the engineer is doing."

Pupuhed types some more and secretly contacts the engineer on the bridge using text messages. The engineer responds.

Pupuhed: (smiling) "Ah. He will have the hull polarization down any second now. The coward would have it down by now if he wasn’t trying to make a convoluted effort to hide his activities in the process."

Pramie: "Captain, with all due respect sir, I still think it’s safer to go with what we have then to allow the GREASERS in."
WHO: Auflehnung auf Pramie
WHERE: Suid Sidal...

Auflehnung exited the room and saw his men over by another door. He inquired and found out that Gorak was last seen going into that room but it was locked from the inside. He instructed them to form into a semicircle, three rows deep. From the back of the group, he was about to give the override command to unlock and open the door when the door suddenly opened on its own.

What happened next caught the men entirely by suprise. The first thing they saw was an octoquid standing in the doorway with other quids behind it. Since they were all part of the Ambassador's official diplomatic party, they did not fire upon them. That was their mistake. The octoquid stepped forward using two tentacles while it used the other six to wrap around the six guards making up the front ranks of the formation. In the meantime, the other podquids moved forward just as quickly and used their free tentacles to grab as many of the remaining guards as possible. By this time, the first rank was already being torn to shreds by the sharp rows of teeth that the podquids used so effortlessly. The second rank had been nearly incapacited as well.

Finally, after the initial surprise and shock wore off, Auflehnung gave the command to shoot the diplomats, "Open Fire All Weapons!!!" The remaining guards from the second and third ranks opened fire. Tentacles started to fall to the ground releasing guards that had been in their grips - some of those guards were alive and some were dead. The ones that were alive recovered quickly enough and picked up a weapon to fight back.

Auflehnung needed to warn Pupuhed and started retreating while firing over his shoulder. A tentacle grabbed his ankle and brought him to the ground, dragging him back toward the quid. He could see the carnage that they were causing and only a few men were left. He took aim and fired. The tentacle let him go and he managed to get up and continue his retreat.

He opened the door to Pupuhed's suite and closed it behind him locking it and overriding the ability to be opened from outside. "Captain!... The quids... they've sided with Gorak... most guards dead..." He took a moment to catch his breath and compose himself. "We need reinforcements quickly."